Not licensed to have gambling ….

Posted 9/27/22

Not licensed to have gambling tip boards, a 27-year-old Hastings man had been charged with possession of gambling equipment, following a search warrant June 18 at a residence in Hastings. At Treasure …

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Not licensed to have gambling ….


Not licensed to have gambling tip boards, a 27-year-old Hastings man had been charged with possession of gambling equipment, following a search warrant June 18 at a residence in Hastings.

At Treasure Island, meanwhile, around half the employees of the relatively new casino were Hastings residents, with the word shared by one security employee that “it’s pretty hard to cheat here,” as watchers were everywhere and cameras were trained on every table. Plans for Treasure Island reportedly included a hotel, 18-hole golf course, and amusement park.

80 years ago

October 2, 1942 Doing its part to win the war, Hastings was to have a 30minute test blackout on Wednesday, Oct. 7, beginning at 9:30 p.m. The test was part of a broader one to include all or part of Dakota, Ramsey, Hennepin, Washington, and Anoka counties the following week, on Oct. 14. A warning signal to be heard city-wide would be given, with the all clear thirty minutes later. The type of signal had not been decided as of press time, with Dr. C. J. Olson volunteering to take the role of air raid warden chief in the city.

In more cheerful news, the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson had brought their children to Hastings from points around the country, with the celebration including a dinner served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson. All the children and their families were present.

Following celebration was more war preparedness, with PTA representative Mrs. Earl Henry welcoming the teachers in a short talk at the high school auditorium. Following Mrs. Henry’s welcome was an address by primary teacher Miss Catherine Doughty, who shared a message with attendees.

“Many a teacher felt the inadequacy of her service when men and women were going into the armed forces and defense work by the millions,” she said, but then added a call to action. The nation was at war, and this affected school children in one way or another. “Why can’t we as parent and teachers pledge ourselves as home commandos to keep democracy alive and do our share in preparing our nation to take its place of leadership in the world of tomorrow?” she asked.

Shifting to the post-high school front, it was reported that women between 17 and 25 were to be trained for work in the

165 years ago THE DAKOTA JOURNAL Published at Hastings, Minnesota Territory Smith & Caleff Having made new arrangements to continue in the same

Also 165 years ago

THE EMIGRANT AID AND JOURNAL City of Nininger, Dakota County, Minnesota Territory, Sale of Forfeited Lots. On Monday next, the 3rd of August, those lots in the City of Nininger, which have become forfeited through a non-compliance with the improvement stipulation, will be sold at public sale at 10 o’clock, in front of the Handyside House, Nininger. Parties buying will be compelled to commence improvements on the lots at once and to continue them without intermission until finished. Mr. Nininger will warrantee the title against all claims of former owners…Let those who will not improve go to law. Let them pay counsel, attend court, neglect their business, waste days and weeks in litigation to be finally worsted as they will be on the trail, and then count the cost. The money they have put into the pockets of hungry lawyers would have built them a house or houses from which they could have received a neat rent. Their lot which has gone to another, would have grown in value by their own improvements and those of their neighbors. Instead of possessing those comforts of conscience which ever accompany the man who pursues the straightforward path of duty, they are defeated in an attempted play upon words, and have neither the sympathy of society or their own respect. Verily, let those who would go to law, go to it.