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Hello friends, Back in December of 2006 I wrote in this very same column about my thought that here in Wisconsin, we should have a multi-chapter organization that helps to get kids into the … more
South St. Paul – The Dakota County Historical Society will host a Woodland Winter Walk at the LeDuc Historic Estate on Saturday, Dec. 21, 2024, from 5–9 p.m. The event will celebrate the … more
In just a couple of days in Wisconsin we are going to celebrate one of the best traditions in our state’s history. No, not Jump Around at the Badger game and no, not a victory dance at … more
Hello friends, This week and next I will write about my most anticipated, expensive and in some ways, challenging trip of my life. I would head west with my golden retrievers to southwest … more
Hello friends, As you read this I am high up on a Montana mountain with my 23-year-old daughter Selina Walters hunting elk and mule deer. I have to meet two deadlines as this is a 12-day trip so … more
Hello friends, This is a guaranteed week where I simply cannot even put 25 percent of what I would like to in a column due to space. In simple terms, I had an amazing weekend. First, Chuck … more
Hello friends, I have been friends with "Musky Joe" Flater, who is a 5th generation owner of Flater’s Resort for a good 20 years. Joe is hard to describe in less than a million words. Old … more
I’ve had my old ten-speed bicycle for a long, long time. Case in point, I can’t remember the bike that I owned before that one. I couldn’t begin to guess how many miles I put on the … more
The summer evenings are now cooling to the point that a sweatshirt is needed. If you’re a bow hunter, our time has come. As you read this, our target bucks are getting close to … more
Emotional Rescue, LLC and MindfulMotion Pilates, Wellness, and Ayurveda are teaming up to share “PupALates” with everyone! The class is a combination of Yoga and Mat Pilates, appropriate … more
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has confirmed the presence of zebra mussels in Lake Byllesby, near Cannon Falls, in Goodhue and Dakota counties. In August 2023, DNR staff working with … more
Back in May OTT celebrated Forage Month. I wrote about morels, of course, as well as fiddleheads, pheasant tails, ramps, watercress and I think a couple others that escape me right now. The … more
The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, an international torch relay, made its way through the Hastings area on Tuesday, July 23. The group originally planned to pass through town on Monday but were … more
In the midst of high waters over the 4th of July along with near record-breaking amounts of rain, one might be forgiven for not missing a usual summertime visitor. Normally early in July the city of … more
My game plan during a recent fishing outing was pretty simple: replenish my fish supply. I realized that I had made a slight miscalculation regarding my fish inventory because my freezer was … more
Two weeks ago I was watching a midday Twin Cities news/variety show. Now that’s not something usually on my plate but a promo teaser caught my eye. They were going to cook a Midwestern … more
It took some time to get there and there were some inconveniences along the way, but the mighty Mississippi River is headed back to normal after cresting at 19.35 feet on June 29 and 30 this last … more
Last week I told you all about my spinning rod trout fishing victory on the Rush River.  It was a great night and I caught a bunch of trout (by my standards). I left brimming with … more
Due to recent heavy rainfall and rising river levels, the City of Cottage Grove has announced the closure of the bridge and causeway to Lower Grey Cloud Island to ensure public safety. This closure … more
With all the rain across the state in the last week, the Mississippi River reached the top of the steps in Levee Park behind the Rotary Pavilion. The river was expected to crest on Tuesday around … more
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