Crimson & Clover, Dr Youngren Art Studio welcomed by Hastings Chamber


The Hastings Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau officially welcomed downtown Hastings’ newest additions on Thursday.
A ribbon cutting ceremony was held for Crimson & Clover, with “with inspired décor, lifestyle & gifts” and Dr Youngren’s Art Studio, featuring the paintings, photo art, postcards and puzzles created by Hastings artist David Youngren.
The businesses are located in the Finch building at 201 Second St. East.
Crimson & Clover is owned by Wendy Dodge, who formerly owned The Onion Grille in downtown Hastings.
“The whole vision of it actually came to me a really long time ago, and the timing just wasn’t right,” she said. “When I made the decision to close my former business, I said ‘You know, what the heck, let’s try this and go for it.’”
She described the businesses as “gifts to home décor and everything in between.”
Dodge is Youngren’s sister-in-law. He’s been running his studio in the Beloved Bridal Boutique building just up the street for several years.
“I opened my studio in Hastings right around 2020, right when COVID started and was in the Beloved building until now, and we had the opportunity to move into this beautiful space,” he said. “We’re very excited to be downtown on this beautiful corner. It is amazing. Stop in and see us.”