Where in Hades

Posted 6/15/21

By Brian G. Schommer In Greek mythology, Hades is both the land of the dead and the god who rules there. Note the lower case “g” versus a capital G. If you are wondering what the difference is, …

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Where in Hades


By Brian G. Schommer

In Greek mythology, Hades is both the land of the dead and the god who rules there. Note the lower case “g” versus a capital G. If you are wondering what the difference is, Google it. Hades the god, who the Greeks also called Pluto, is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon, the rulers of the skies and the seas. The realm called Hades is the region under the earth, full of mineral wealth and fertility and home to dead souls. Hades today is sometimes a polite term for Hell, as in, it is hotter than Hades out there. What does this Greek mythology lesson have to do with the outdoors? If you must ask, you have not been outside very much as of late.

Heat Wave, the Irving Berlin tune often connected with the movie “Grumpy Old Men,” has been popping in and out of my head during the last week or so. When temperatures climb above the 90-degree mark and start pushing 100, it certainly feels like a tropical heatwave and those who are of fair skin do not fare well against the ultraviolet rays of the sun. While the sun produces Vitamin D and has a way of bringing happiness into our lives, too much of a good thing might not be good at all. Do not fear faithful readers of Outdoor Adventures, this will not be a drive down Negative Lane. Heat can get to even the biggest freeze-baby. Things like mosquitos, ants and Mayflies are more apparent when the sun comes out. Instead of complaining about the heat, let us take a page out of Country singer Kenny Chesney’s playbook.

The patios at several area hotspots, for lack of a better term, are open. Many are also offering the opportunity to listen to live music. It is understandable that you may have forgotten what that is. Just close your eyes, imagine you are outside at one of the local watering holes and you hear a local musician strumming away or tickling the ivories while belting out one of your favorite songs. You feel a cold drink chillin’ in your right hand, just like Kenny sings about. Now you remember and while it has been a while, you are not dreaming. From a Wednesday night at Dugarel’s or a Sunday at The American Legion in Hastings, to the Downtown Summer Music Series (check out www.spiralbrewery.com and go to their events page for more information), this is just a slice of the live outdoor music happening. The City of Hastings is hosting Music in the Park every Thursday Night at the Rotary Pavilion starting at 7pm starting June 10th and running until September 2nd. This event is FREE to the public and offers music of just about every genre including Polka. Rivertown Days will be focusing a lot on live music this year with multiple stages and types of music as well. Prescott Days also usually has at least one outdoor music event. Evenings, daytime, weeknights, and weekends. Live music is back.

The beaches filling up with sunworshippers working on their golden tans. For now, we will just go with they are all using the correct amount of sunscreen with an adequate Sun Protection Factor (SPF) to protect them from the suns damaging rays. The beach off Highway 10 going into Prescott was always our go to spot growing up. Back then, it was known as “Blocker’s Beach” and was as good of a place to cool off as any. At the beach, you will see, as Kenny says, sun tanned toes ticklin’ the sand and just like when partaking in some live outdoor music, there is often a cold drink chillin’ in a lot of right hands. Cold beverages on a summer day or evening hold no bounds. It is not rare to have a cold drink in the left hand either. On real hot days, some of you may even catch people trying to twin fist it because that is just how it is when things heat up in the summer.

Another telltale sign of summer is the crack of the bat, the roar of the crowd and the smell of hot dogs at the area ballparks. Even if you are not a fan of the game, sitting outside on a warm summer Sunday afternoon watching the local nine, taking in some sun and of course, enjoying a cold beverage is a great way to pass the time. Professional ball has its merit for sure and there is something to be said for the Major League atmosphere. For me, there is nothing like a townball game. The game is the same although not necessarily played at the same level and the concession stand offers similar options at a considerable savings. Watching kids chase foul balls for a .50 cent reward is as much fun as watching all the single women at a wedding dive for the bouquet. Baseball in the area is in full swing at all levels.

Summertime is upon us and officially begins on Sunday, June 20th which, by the way, is Father’s Day. For those who still are fortunate enough to have your dad around, be sure to give them a hug if possible. If not, pick up the phone and give pops a call. Of course, if it is possible, get together with a cold drink in either hand you choose and “Enjoy the Great Outdoors.”