
Posted 8/17/21

SPELLING BEA BY BEA WESTERBERG It’s Still Summer We have put over half the month of August into the history books. That means it will soon be September's turn to be here for us. Some people …

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It’s Still Summer

We have put over half the month of August into the history books. That means it will soon be September's turn to be here for us. Some people have a thing about not wearing white until after Memorial Day and then stop again when Labor Day comes around. I have a thing that when August goes away, I think of the summer being over and not thinking so much of the watermelon, frozen drinks, peach pie, sun tea and other hot weather goodies. I love those things and I need more before I start thinking of apple crisp, squash soup and chicken pot pie in September. So in addition to hunting up a good watermelon for a treat this week I will share the recipe of another “warm” weather goodie. Get ready for Banana Split Lasagna!

Please read before you start so you have everything on hand. Spray the inside of a 9×13 pan. In a medium bowl combine 2 cups of crushed graham crackers, ½ cup melted butter and 2 Tablespoons of butter. Pack evenly in the sprayed pan and refrigerate for at least 15 minutes. NEXT STEP: In a large bowl and using a hand mixer, beat 12 ounces of softened cream cheese and ¼ cup sugar until light and fluffy. Fold in 1 – 8 ounce tub of Cool Whip. Spread this mixture evenly over the chilled crust. KEEP GOING: Place 3 thin, round slices of banana pieces, 1 – 20 ounce can of drained, crushed pineapple, and 1 pound of chopped strawberry pieces on top of the first 2 layers. ALMOST DONE: Spread another 8 ounce tub of Cool Whip on this and sprinkle with ½ cup chopped walnuts. Refrigerate at least 4 hours or up to overnight. TO SERVE: Drizzle with chocolate syrup and top with rainbow sprinkles and of course maraschino cherries. DONE AND READY TO EAT! Another note, feel free to add more of anything you really like in a banana split. I usually add more bananas unless I happen to get some really big ones and even let them get sort of ripe. I have a THING about the ripe ones that people really like and I call banana bread material. Well in truth they need more time to be good banana bread material but once they get a dark spot, that is what they become to me.

September is also the return back to school and I am sure that anyone who has that coming up is 100 percent aware of that. I have long been out of the program and it has been “a few” years since Daughter Nissa went gone through the grad school route. I do not envy anyone that has to face this, especially in the current conditions. I wish the best to parents, teachers and students to travel the education route in 2021/22.

I have been doing my own at home fact checking research and found some interesting things. Although the “facts” have been listed in several different places, I can not guarantee they are 100 correct so don't bet the farm on these, but interesting.

Red peppers have 2.5 times more vitamin C in them than oranges. Yes, I know it would be hard to drink a red pepper but I suppose a vegetable smoothie would welcome them.

The fact that sugar gets kids on the wild side is strongly debated. There are several strong sides with more saying it does NOT affect behavior. The fact almost all agree on is that food coloring DOES affect, as it's a coal tar derivative. Since most kids do not eat straight food coloring, the sugar works in here.

Its been a long time since I have been in Canada but way back then I noticed it must have been a national law that you have vinegar on your french fries. It turns out that vinegar lowers the glycemic index as it slows down the release of carbs.

Then there is the “DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY. Finally, I saw an actual amount since glasses can be any size. “They” say 68 ounces for women and 85 ounces for men. Any liquid you take in counts. Almost willing to bet we take in more summer liquids.