Students honored by Senate Resolution

Posted 4/19/22

By Bruce Karnick [email protected] Senator Karla Bigham paid a visit to Hastings Senior High School to honor four students by Senate Resolution on Wednesday afternoon. Skylar Little Soldier, …

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Students honored by Senate Resolution


By Bruce Karnick

[email protected]

Senator Karla Bigham paid a visit to Hastings Senior High School to honor four students by Senate Resolution on Wednesday afternoon. Skylar Little Soldier, Blake Beissel, Kendal Jenkins and John Chorlton were each given a Senate Resolution celebrating their successes this school year.

Skylar Little Soldier was the first female state wrestling champion in the 132-weight class.

Blake Beissel won the state wrestling championship at the 106-weight class.

Kendal Jenkins was awarded the Athena award, and John Chorlton won the Apollo award. Athena/Apollo awards are given to an outstanding senior female/male athletes based on excellence in individual sports or for participation and accomplishments in team sports.

The event kicked off with Principal Scott Doran introducing Senator Bigham who briefly spoke on the achievements of the four before reading the individual resolutions.

“I want to say that the amount of work and talent, dedication, persistence that comes with these honors, and your peers have a lot to do with that too, but you four certainly have stood out in your accomplishments. I just want to say, don't stop with that drive. Don't stop but that determination, because it doesn't stop when you leave Hastings high school. It's something you're going to build on and continue to grow into. As you become an adult in the working world and establish partnerships and a career.” said Bigham.

Each of the resolutions included the achievements of the athletes and concluded with “Therefore, be it resolved by the Senate of the State of Minnesota that it congratulates (Athlete name) on receiving (achievement) and extends best wishes to (him/her) on (his/her) future academic and athletic pursuits.”

She then presented the students with their documents. After the presentation, photos were taken and when Senator Bigham departed, she joined the Feminists Club for their meeting.

Photo by Sarah Wasvick