Pastor Mark Miller of Resurrection United Methodist Church

Posted 11/22/21

pwenty(ye"rs("go(e(h"d(two(firsts(in(my(life:(e(got(my(first( dog7("('l"ck(a nglish(cocker(sp"niel7("nd(e('ought(my(first( new vehicle, a shiny red Dodge …

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Pastor Mark Miller of Resurrection United Methodist Church


pwenty(ye"rs("go(e(h"d(two(firsts(in(my(life:(e(got(my(first( dog7("('l"ck(a nglish(cocker(sp"niel7("nd(e('ought(my(first( new vehicle, a shiny red Dodge pickup. My dog has long since died and my pickup looks like it has too. If rust were gold my truck would be worth a fortune. As it is I’m afraid to hit the smallest bump because I never know what’s going to fall off next. (Last month it was a rear fender.)

Still, it’s hard to part with that old truck because it holds so many good memories. I remember driving home from Iowa with that little puppy in the back seat. I remember putting the canoe on top and heading to the Boundary Waters when my children were still so young they couldn’t out-paddle me. I remember driving through a golden North Dakota prairie in search of pheasants and ducks. And I remember helping my dad out on the farm with that truck. He too has long since died. All that’s left of those days is that pile of rust sitting in my driveway.

Why is it so hard to let go? I know it’s just an old truck. I knew when I bought it that it wouldn’t last. Yet, it nearly brings me to tears to part with it. But part with it I must. We have another grandchild on the way and my wife has deemed( it( unfit( to( tr"nsport( the( next( gener"tion:( ( e( know( she’s right. Still, it’s hard.

This column is supposed to bring a little good news so here(it(is:((prucks(don't(l"st(forever('ut(life(in(Whrist(does:( Jesus tells his disciples in the Gospel of Matthew (6:19-20) “Don’t store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them. Instead, store up your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot break in and steal them. Your heart will always be where your treasure is.”

I gave my heart to Jesus long before I got that truck. And with(Whrist(comes(the(promise(of(etern"l(life:(p he(f"mous( bible verse John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The promise of eternal life is far better than any possession we have in this life. So I won’t dwell on that truck or even the memories. I’ll look forward to what Jesus has in store for me. Jesus is the true(tre"sure:((T nd(th"t's(definitely(good(news: