More road construction affecting Hastings planned in 2022

Posted 8/24/21

June NOW! By Bruce Karnick JOIN [email protected] 6 weeks of classes! Registration details online. The Dakota-Scott Workforce Development Board has named Dakota Electric …

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More road construction affecting Hastings planned in 2022


June NOW!

By Bruce Karnick JOIN [email protected]

6 weeks of classes! Registration details online.

The Dakota-Scott Workforce Development Board has named Dakota Electric Association one of the Employers of Excellence for the fourth time. Dakota Electric, along with three other mid-sized businesses and six other small and large employers, was chosen for several reasons including employee retention, compensation and training practices, among other things.

The Workforce Development Board commissioned a study that provided businesses with a 40-question survey that evaluated their employment practices using numerous metrics including benefits, training, time off, employee injuries and more. Those who scored well on the survey were identified as Employers of Excellence. The survey results provide vital information to local companies about the practices used to attract and retain employees.

“We were really amped up to receive this Employer of Excellence Award,” human resources manager Malinda Mehrhoff said. “We work hard to provide a work environment that allows us to hire and retain quality employees who can focus on providing excellent service to our members.”

Other mid-size employers named were the Apothecary Products, Burnsville, Carlson Capital Management, Hastings and Hydra-Flex, Inc., Savage.

•Combination Classes

•Ballet & Pointe

•Irish Dance

•Boys only Hip Hop / Tumbling

•Barre Workout

•Competition Lines

•Dance Team Prep

•Toddlers Classes

•Preschool Combination

•Hip Hop / Tumbling

•Clogging / Tap / Jazz

•Non Competition Classes

•Leaps / Turns Extensions

We all know that Minnesota has four seasons, pre-winter, winter, post winter and road construction. The Highway 316 project and the 15th Street projects have caused consternation for many this summer, but once those are done, we are good right?

The short answer is no. the longer answer is, come on, you ought to know better, the long answer is, well, no and here is why.

County Road 46 is being studied for potential improvements started, improvements which could start as early 2022. CR46 is an integral part of the east-west connection from Interstate 35 in Lakeville to Highway 61 in Hastings and is a major route used by thousands daily just in Hastings. The section from Vermillion Street out past General Sieben Drive is where this particular project will take place. With the additional development that will be taking place in the near future along CR 46, the county and city expect traffic volumes will likely continue to increase.

According to the project website, Pages/default.aspx, the corridor study will include: Review of traffic operations for current and future conditions

Jan’s School of Dance Inc.




Dakota Electric human resources manage Malinda Mehrhoff (c), Directors (L-R) Bill Holton, Bill Middlecamp, David Jones and board chair Jerry Pittman hold the banner acknowledging the honor of being named and Employer of Excellence.

2610 Industrial Ct. (In the Hastings Business Park) Jan Barduson Tripp, Instructor

[email protected]

The Reduced Conflict Intersection is designed to allow drivers to cross the same traffic with less chance of collision. 1. To go southbound on Hwy 61, motorists will need to make a right turn directly into the median left turn lane at County Road 18, followed immediately by a U-turn. 2. An acceleration lane will be provided in the median for drivers to safely increase speed before merging into southbound Hwy 61 traffic. 3. The U-turn will be designed to accommodate trucks and large equipment turning completely in the median area without encroaching into the lanes of Hwy 61 or crossing high-speed traffic. Graphic provided by the MN Department of Transportation.

Development of corridor design alternatives (2-lane, 3-lane, etc.) Evaluation of pedestrian and bicyclist mobility and connectivity improvement areas Inclusion of Vermillion River Greenway enhancements Improvements for Vermillion River natural resources The public has already had some opportunities to discuss priorities on the project, the main one being improving safety and traffic flow, support walking and biking, and reducing speeds.

Highway 316 is scheduled to have more work done in 2022, this time on the south end of its run at the other intersection of Highway 61. The work will affect two separate intersections, the 316/61/130th St intersection and the intersection of County 18 and Hwy 316. This construction will begin in the middle July 2022 and is expected to be complete by early September 2022.

The two intersections are being rebuilt to have a dramatic affect on safety. At 316 and 61, a roundabout will be built. The other site will be changed to a reduced conflict intersection. An RCI is where, to make a left turn, the driver must turn right, join traffic and quickly move left to use a designed U-turn Lane.

For a full explanation of the upcoming construction, to sign up for up for email updates and to take a brief survey, visit