
Posted 7/27/21

From Page 1 4.Roundabouts are designed to slow traffic down and be a safer intersection for all. That means you need to actively slow down to navigate them safely. 5.They are one way, enter by going …

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From Page 1

4.Roundabouts are designed to slow traffic down and be a safer intersection for all. That means you need to actively slow down to navigate them safely.

5.They are one way, enter by going to the right. Yes, this is important enough to put in twice.

The construction project is moving forward, which is great news after the drainage pipe issue earlier this month. Here is the press release from the MN DoT.

As construction continues on Hwy 316, the contractor is preparing to move into the next stage of construction. Beginning at 6 a.m. tomorrow, July 27 crews will shift the completely closed area of Hwy 316 to between Tuttle Dr. and Michael Ave. Here is what you can expect during stage 1B: Hwy 316 is still closed to through traffic, requiring temporary detours during construction.

Tuttle Dr. east side of Hwy 316 — use the new Tuttle Dr. intersection roundabout to and from the north junction of Hwy 61. The temporary bypass for access to and from the south on Hwy 316 will be removed.

Tuttle Dr. west side of Hwy 316 – use the temporary access to the new Tuttle Dr. round- about for access to and from the north junction of Hwy 61.

Residents in the Tuttle area neighborhoods will get the first opportunity to use one of the newly constructed Hwy 316 roundabouts.

These new routes for the Tuttle area neighborhoods are temporary and will last approximately two weeks. At that time, the closed area of Hwy 316 will shift, and these neighborhoods will again use the local detour of Co. Rd. 91 via Hwy 316 to the south. Motorists that do not need to access a residential neighborhood or the businesses in the area should follow the signed detour to bypass the closure using Hwy 61.

Travelers should not enter a road that is closed or marked as private to bypass this closure.

We will continue to send updates as schedules or detours in the area change.

This work is part of a summer-long project on Hwy 316 to add three roundabouts, add medians and pave the road between Michael Ave. to north of Spiral Ave.

Please take the time to remind you kids and yourselves to drive safely, including removing the distractions, and at the posted speeds when using the detours. We are all in this together.