Having made the relevant ….

Posted 3/24/21

Having made the relevant archive appointments for this week and pending a successful visit as such, we offer readers foundation of sorts for a more representative history section, with material …

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Having made the relevant ….


Having made the relevant archive appointments for this week and pending a successful visit as such, we offer readers foundation of sorts for a more representative history section, with material accessed at the Minnesota Digital Newspaper Hub, material changing as the circumstances allow.

100 Years Ago


March 14, 1916 Country Correspondence HIGH PRAIRIE Locals Miss Mary Salzman is on the sick list.

Mrs. Vera Salzman was a week end visitor in St. Paul.

Earle Ross of Red Wing visited relatives here last Sunday.

Lloyd Sheets and Wallie Ross left Saturday for Canada. Lloyd will return to his homestead in Saskatchewan. Wallie Ross will go to Millet where he has a brother.

VASA Miss Hylma Ingeman left for Red Wing this week.

August Swanson left Monday for the cities after spending the winter here.

Herman Turner of St. Peter is visiting relatives here.

Messrs. John Johnson, J. A. Nelson and Arthur Benson made a trip to the cities on Wednesday.

BELLE CREEK Locals George Wolfe spent Tuesday in Minneapolis.

Walter Lally has been engaged as assistant driver for the Belle Creek store.

Ward Mark and Reuben Sjoquist left last Thursday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sjoquist of Rhinelander, Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Fulcrut came down from Minneapolis last week and moved into Mrs. G. W. Fulcrut’s home, which they recently purchased.

LEON locals The robin and meadowlark are with us once again.

Al Knutson bought a horse at the Larson auction.

Reuben Anderson has purchased a Ford automobile.

Miss Eva Robertson returned to Winona on Friday after spending her spring vacation at home. Also seen in the paper: When the people of Minnesota send a delegation of congressmen to represent them in congress they do not expect them to be pro-English, pro-German, pro-French or pro anything except pro-American at all times and under all circumstances.

The newspaper editor: It seems that it is time to give over this racket and nonsense about hyphenated Americans. The hyphen don’t (doesn’t) make or unmake a man or patriot. It takes much more than that….The editor of the Beacon is an American and not a Welsh-American and don’t (doesn’t) want anybody to hyphenate him. Not much. But if some other man wants to hyphenate himself let him do it. It’s none of our business (opinion continues).

135 Years Ago


(Western Echo) E. F. Dufresne, Redacteur (Editor) Minneapolis, March 25, 1885 Page 3 French obit (translated): Dame Mathilde Tremblay, wife of the honored Robert, of Osseo, died the 10th of March at the age of 53 years following an illness of six weeks, encompassed by all the aids of the religion she had faithfully practiced throughout her life.

She leaves to mourn her passing a husband and three children…(included in her mourners) we count Madame G. C. Delauriers of that village. Madame Robert was the aunt of Mesdames Alfred Menard and Z. Demueles, of Minneapolis… The funeral rites of the deceased took place at Osseo Thursday, at noon, after a long procession of relatives and friends; thirty carriages followed the funeral cortege from the church to the cemetery. The service was chanted by the Reverend father Decker. For a long time we have not seen a like procession… within the parish of Osseo.* Madame Robert was universally esteemed and cherished within the parish for her good qualities as a woman, spouse, and Christian mother.

Que ses cendres reposent en paix (May she rest in peace). We offer to the family of the deceased our very sincere condolences.

*The present Catholic parish of Osseo, Minnesota appears to be named St. Vincent de Paul, though Mrs. Tremblay is not listed at findagrave.com as being at Osseo. She may be unregistered.

From Statehood THE STILLWATER MESSENGER March 23, 1858 RIVER AND LAKE.— During the past three days, there has been a rise of about five feet in the River and Lake St. Croix. This, together with the warm weather and high winds, is crowding the ice out of the lake very rapidly.

FROM THE PINERIES.— the familiar faces of our lumbermen are now thronging our streets, after an absence of four months in the pineries on the St. Croix and tributaries. About one-half the usual amount of lumber has been cut the present winter, which in consideration of the hard times, is even better than could be reasonably have been anticipated (Note: there was a nationwide financial panic in 1857).

Territorial Days 170 Years Ago April 1851 THE DAKOTAFRIEND/ DAKOTA TAWAXITKU KIN St. Paul, Minnesota, Volume 1, Number 6 Published by the Dakota Mission The translation of the following, it will be seen, is not literal; but it is about as close as it can easily be made (THE DAKOTA FRIEND was bilingual).

[a] In the House of Representatives, on the 10th Dec., 1850, Hon. H. H. (Henry Hastings) Sibley introduced the following, which was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs: A BILL to provide for the punishment of crimes committed in the Indian country, within the limits of Minnesota Territory, and for the promotion of the civilization of the Indian (tribes residing) therein.

The first four sections of the bill provide for the apprehension of criminals, in the Indian Country, within the limits of the Minnesota Territory, by the military force of the Governor of the Territory; and for the trial and punishment of all persons who shall be guilty of committing any crime on the lands belonging to the Indians, within the limits of said Territory, in the same manner as if the crime had been committed by a white man, within any district of country under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States.

Sec. 5 That it shall not be lawful for any military or other officer of the United States to inflict any punishment upon any Indian, (unless during the existence of actual hostilities between the United States and any tribe or nation to which said Indian may belong.) or other person within the limits of the country embraced by this act, except in the execution of the sentence of a court duly empowered to inflict the same; and whenever an offender or offenders against the provisions of this act shall be apprehended by a military or other force, he or they shall be conveyed immediately by the nearest safe and convenient route, and delivered to the civil authority of the nearest judicial district of the Territory as aforesaid, to be proceeded against in the course of law: PROVIDED, That no person who may be apprehended by a military or other force as aforesaid under the provisions of this act, shall be detained longer than five days after arrest and before removal. And all officers and soldiers who may have any such Indian or other person or persons in custody, shall treat them with all the humanity that the circumstances will permit; and every officer or soldier who shall be guilty of maltreating any such person or persons while in custody, shall suffer such punishment as the proper civil tribunals or a court martial shall direct, proportioned to the degree of the offence.

Sec. 6. That in no case