A sad goodbye, thanks for the memories and all the yummy treats

Posted 11/22/21

By Bruce Karnick [email protected] It is official, Emily’s Bakery and Deli is officially closed for business. If you were lucky enough to get in and get some of their fresh baked goodness …

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A sad goodbye, thanks for the memories and all the yummy treats


By Bruce Karnick

[email protected]

It is official, Emily’s Bakery and Deli is officially closed for business. If you were lucky enough to get in and get some of their fresh baked goodness these last few weeks, you know the hour plus long wait was worth it. Every day they have been open since announcing the business retiring has had people lined out the door for most of their open hours. Lines formed at 5:00 a.m. and stretched around the side of the Eagles Club just so patrons could get one more tasted of Emily’s.

Norrine Bishop, Steve Fox and their crew handled it like champions. The never-ending onslaught of people buying dozens of items, sharing their memories of the bakery and what it has meant to them. In every social media post for the bakery, she kept pointing out how thankful they were for all the kind words and everyone’s understanding of the situation. She made sure people knew they and their support were appreciated.

But it is clear after watching the last few weeks, the people of Hastings wanted to give the Emily’s crew a heartfelt “Thank you” right back.

So on behalf of Hastings area residents to all those that worked at Emily’s Bakery over the decades of being the best doughnuts on the planet,


State Senator Karla Bigham felt the same way and on the last day of Emily’s being open, Senator Bigham delivered and read a proclamation to honor the century plus of service to Hastings to the Emily’s crew.

“Emily’s Bakery is a staple of the Hastings community. Norrine and Steve are beloved members of the community. The history of the business is inspiring and extremely impressive. I wanted them to have something that honored their commitment to the community. It was meaningful to read the resolution to them, their family, and staff,” added Bigham in her email to the Journal Here is the text of the proclamation: