A Little Good News!

Posted 3/30/22

A weekly re昀ection from a memeber of the Hastings clergy Written by Pastor Paris Pasch of The Journey Church in Hastings Is Church Really That Important? Now, I’m a pastor and church leader, so …

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A Little Good News!


A weekly re昀ection from a memeber of the Hastings clergy

Written by Pastor Paris Pasch of The Journey Church in Hastings

Is Church Really That Important?

Now, I’m a pastor and church leader, so I’m a little biased on this topic. However I’m also a recipient of the wonderful experiences I’ve had as a member of the community of faith we call church. Now when I say church, I don’t mean a location, a building or an affiliation. Church is never referred to in the Bible in this way, but rather always as a gathering of believing people.

Church is to become more family like than corporation like. It is to be a place to recover from the week, not be entertained or bored for an hour. Church is a place for broken people and not perfect folks. Church is a gathering of authentic people with real challenges, not a gathering of folks who pretend for an hour. It’s a place to be recharged and built up. It’s a place for education, but also inspiration. Church is an expression of our love for God and His love for us.

If you sit through a church service and are bored stiff, then maybe you need to check to see if you are in the right gathering. Or maybe you need to see if you are there for the right reasons. I can go to the best restaurant in town, but if I simply watch the food on the adjacent table be eaten, I won’t have much enjoyment. If I’m critical of the way they serve the food, then the bitter taste in my mouth may affect my experience.

I wonder if when we come to our last moments on this earth and we consider if we needed God in this life, if we will find solace in remembering we stayed away from God’s family, His teachings and His exaltations? I wonder why we would have any interest in an eternity with His church in heaven when we couldn’t take and hour a week to gather with them while on this earth?

Hebrews 10:24–25 (NIV) And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

I’d like to invite you to attend one of the many great churches in our community this weekend. Go expecting to get something from our good God. Go knowing that church is practice for heaven and participate in the journey the other folks are traveling. Go with a healthy appetite and an open mind.