56 Years Ago THE ….

Posted 11/15/21

56 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE November 19, 1964 Delinquency Topic For Cooper PTA A program on juvenile delinquency is planned for the regular meeting of the Cooper School PTA this coming Monday …

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56 Years Ago THE ….


56 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE November 19, 1964 Delinquency Topic For Cooper PTA A program on juvenile delinquency is planned for the regular meeting of the Cooper School PTA this coming Monday evening, at 8 o’clock.

Tom Murray, a special teacher at Woodview Detention Home in St. Paul, will discuss juvenile delinquents and their problems.

Giving the invocation will be Rev. Benjamin Tims, pastor of the Full Gospel Assembly church. Boy Scouts from Troop 207 will present the colors.

Ends 43 ½ Years of Postal service (photo) Leo Matsch hasn’t been late to work once in his 43 ½ years with the Hastings Post Office, to the best of his recollection. But in the early years especially, he was often late getting home from work.

His first 20 years he was a rural mail carrier, and “There wasn’t a graded road between her and St. Paul in those days,” he recalls. All roads hereabouts were dirt— of often mud—and all transportation horse drawn back in 1921.

“Lots of times I didn’t get in till 10 o’clock at night,” Matsch recalled this week, as he prepared for his retirement, which becomes effective Friday.

“My 24-mile route at first went out to Nininger, then down towards Vermillion. In stormy weather it sometimes took 12 or 13 hours to make the rounds.”

For many years he got no vehicle allowance, though having to furnish two teams of horses and sometimes hiring two additional teams from farmers. But there was no additional pay. “The pay stayed at 55 to 60 dollars a month.”

Eventually a three-cent per mile vehicle allowance was granted, but during the depression that was cut back to 1.1. cent per mile.

“When I first started carrying mail, there were hitching posts by the Corner Drug building, which is where the post office was located in those days. I could carry all the mail for my entire route under two arms. Now you almost need a truck to carry the mail for the same number of people.”

Junk mail hadn’t started in those days, and parcel post service had just begun.

Conservation Speeches In Washington County Heard Supervisors of the Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District conducted a soil conservation, speaking contest last Saturday, with junior and senior entrants all using as their topic, “Soil and Water conservation— How Will It Affect My Future Recreation?” Winners in the junior class were Bruce Rydeen, first; Kenneth Rydeen, Second; and Peggy Swanson, third. Weston Belz, only senior entrant, was awarded first place.

The winning contestants will take part in an area contest Nov. 24 at the Moose Ball at Waite Park, Minn. Winners from the area contest will compete for the state contest the fore part of January.

Life as chronicled across the river 100 Years Ago THE PRESCOTT TRIBUNE October 20, 1921 Irving Todd Dead Irving Todd, editor of the Hastings Gazette, one of the oldest editors in Minnesota, died last Thursday afternoon at the age of 80 years. Mr. Todd had been in hospital in that city for the past four weeks receiving treatments for (a skin infection), which, coupled with his advanced age, resulted in his death.

The funeral was held at Hastings last Sunday afternoon and a number from this place were in attendance, including his brother Jonah, who resides here.

Mr. Todd, senior member of the firm of Irving Todd & Son, publishers of the Hastings Gazette, was born in New York state, July 21st, 1841. He came west in 1857, settling at Prescott and learned the printer’s trade. Five years later he became proprietor of the Hastings Conserver, which in 1866, consolidated with the Independent, and became the Gazette. He had had editorial charge of his newspaper for 60 years, which made him the dean of Minnesota editors, so far as consecutive work on the same paper is concerned. Mr. Todd was collector of internal revenue in St. Paul from 1872 to 1876.

Mr. Todd has been a widower for 25 years. He is survived by a son, Irving Todd, Jr., the other member of the publishing firm, a brother Jonah who resides in this city, and a daughter Mrs. J. H. Plum, who lives much of the time at the Curtis hotel in Minneapolis.

Bridge Company Busy. A number of inquiries have been made lately as to why the Bridge Company were sending out notices calling in the funds subscribed, and in reply we will say that one of the members has informed us that the architects are now at work making the final drawings; and as soon as their work is completed, which will be about the 15th of next month, the plans for building will be submitted for bids and as soon thereafter as possible the contract will be let and the actual work begin. All money subscribed must be paid in before the contract can be let, hence the call sent out at this time. We understand the funds are coming in quite rapidly since issuing the call and it is hoped that work on the structure can be started in the very near future.

St. Johns Evangelical Church Oak Grove German services will be held next Sunday the 23rd at 10:30. Communion in German. Sunday school at 9:30 A. M. English services Sunday the 30th of October, at the regular time 10:30 A. M. Communion in English.

REV. E. ROTH, Pastor The Wallbridge family closed their summer home here “The Walcon” last week and moved to Hastings where they will spend the winter at the Gardner hotel.

The Fair store closed up their business here this week and moved the goods back to South St. Paul. Lack of patronage and the stringency of money this season is given as the reason for closing up at this place. 115 Years Ago CANNON FALLS BEACON November 23, 1906 Local News A big snow storm this week.

John Anderson went to Hayfield Tuesday.

Seen the Beacon calendars, they are beauties.

Miss Cora Bucklyn spent Tuesday in Dundas.

Ray Manning spent News Years in Cannon Falls.

Hastings during and after the Civil War Over 150 years ago THE HASTINGS CONSERVER Irving Todd, editor October 31, 1865 Local affairs. Sociable.—The Baptist Ladies mite society will meet on Friday evening, at the house of Mrs. PLUMSTEAD, corner of Ramsey and Sixth Streets. All are cordially invited. November 17, 1863 ADOPTED.—The foundling left at Herr Hinkel’s a few days ago has been adopted by Mr. JAMES BROWN, of Hampton, who has no children of his own, and will provide a good home for the poor unfortunate. Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago THE MINNESOTAN November 22, 1851 “TEMPUS FUGIT” Another Summer’s past and gone With all its pleasing charms, And soon will nature be embraced, In Winter’s freezing arms. No more such beauteous prospects meet, And please our gazing eyes, But swift decay our vision greets And barren objects rise. “Time flies,” and the soft, fragrant flowers That blooms so bright and fair, No more unfold their brilliant forms, Or now perfume the air. The foliage of each forest tree, And every prairie flower With all their charms and beauties yield For Autumn’s blighting power… Groveland, Nov. 1851 L. M. F.