20 Years Ago HASTINGS ….

Posted 6/15/21

20 Years Ago HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE March , 2001 Area farmer adds insight to Met Council John Conzemius addresses land conservation and water quality issues (story by Randy Roberts) “I know we have …

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20 Years Ago HASTINGS ….


20 Years Ago HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE March , 2001 Area farmer adds insight to Met Council John Conzemius addresses land conservation and water quality issues (story by Randy Roberts) “I know we have to have places for people to live, but we should save the high-productive land and build on the low-productive land,” (Conzemius said)… While the Met Council has taken its lumps from the media and the public, Conzemius has seen the other side of the coin.

“The Met Council is an advisory role,” he said. “We won’t tell Hastings what to do. They make their own decisions.”

About the Metropolitan Council The Metropolitan Council is a nationally unique governmental body in the seven-county area around the Twin Cities. It was created in 1967 because the Twin Cities is one region.

The Council provides everyday services and helps to plan for the Twin Cities of the future. The Council operates the region’s bus system, collect and clean wastewater, is a housing and redevelopment agency and plans and funds parks and trails. The Council also prepares long-range plans for the development of vital regional services—aviation, transportation, parks and open space, water quality and water management— and a comprehensive plan for how the region should grow in the future (summary continues). 40 Years Ago HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE March 5, 1981 Home occupations opposed By AL SHAFFER, staff writer The Hastings City Council was confronted by two local businessmen Monday night concerning home occupation permits. The council was in the process of considering one of the permits at the time, which it finally approved by a unanimous vote.

“You cannot compete with somebody inside the home,” started Andre Menard, owner and manager of Hastings Welding, Inc. at 2214 Vermillion St. Businesses operating in commercial districts have higher overhead, taxes and upkeep, he said.

Menard also suggested that the turnover rate in home occupations is high and asked council members to consider the effects of that. According to Menard, dissatisfied customers have no recourse if the business they have been patronizing suddenly folds.

“My question is, how does that benefit the city?” he asked.

Don Nygaard, co-owner of Mr. Upholsterer in downtown Hastings, also claimed that home occupations mean unfair competition to him because of their low overhead expenses.

“I don’t mind competition,” Nygaard added. “I’m glad to see it, in fact.”

Nygaard’s complaint is that his competitors in the home are either cutting their prices lower than he can, or making larger profits because their costs are lower… (article continues).

Almost 57 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE September 24, 1964 Homecoming Queen Finalists Are Named The five finalists for Homecoming Queen of Hastings high school were announced this week.

They are Alberta Conzemius, Carol Davies, Evonne Gustafson, Gretchen Kleis, and Sandra Schneider.

One will reign over the homecoming festivities on Oct. 2.

Photos Fail to Arrive A number of photographs intended for this week’s Gazette failed to arrive from the engraver by press time. They will appear in next week’s issue.

100 Years Ago PRESCOTT TRIBUNE June 16, 1921 WHAT IS DOING AT THE THEATRES A Brief Resume of Coming Events in the Local Movie Shows Sunday, June 19th The funniest things Owen Moore has ever done on the screen is his characterization of Melville Caruthers, in the title role of “the Poor Simp,” A Selznick Production.

The picture is a true farce comedy with the humor derived from the unique and complicated situations, and the unavailing but well-meaning efforts of his friends to extricate the leading character from his dilemma.

120 Years Ago BACKBONE (A Prohibition paper) St. Paul and Minneapolis Volume V. Number 6 June 1901 OUR MAILBOX Backbone is a spinal column having no abnormalities, true to nature and to nature’s God.—Dr. Maude M. Sanders, Racine Wisconsin VERTEBRAE (the locals) S. W. Squire, soloist, has been out for Backbone.

Prince Edward Island’s prohibitory law has gone into effect.

The Prohibition party mayor of Owosso, Mich., is being opposed by his whiskey council, but he is making the enemy tremble by enforcing the law.

One thousand Catholic young people of Wilkesbarre, Pa., recently pledged themselves to a life of total abstinence. 135 Years Ago ECHO DE L’OUEST (WESTERN ECHO) VOLUME III, NO. 8.

Mercredi (Wednesday), 17 June 1885 English version: First Communion at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes Sunday last saw the first communion of the children of Our Lady of Lourdes parish…47 (quarante sept) children, boys and girls, all in costumes of black and of white…reception in basement of the church after Mass.

French original: 1re Communion a l’eglise Notre Dame de Lourdes Dimanche dernier avait lieu a l’eglise Notre Dame de Lourdes la 1re (Premiere) Communion des enfants de cette parish.

(Note: Wedding attire is traditionally worn at Catholic First Communion in the Western rite from the belief that the communicant is joined to Christ by grace through receiving the Eucharist, thereby being united to his/her God).

156 Years Ago Hastings in the Civil War HASTINGS CONSERVER June 14, 1964 Our Ticket.

With much pleasure and satisfaction, we today place at the head of our columns the names of the candidates recently nominated at Baltimore for the office of President and vice President of the United States. It is a ticket of which every union man and patriot may well be proud, with Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson for our leaders we shall do battle in the coming contest to the best of our ability… Our German Citizens.

The German population of this city comprises an important portion of its inhabitants, and we take pleasure in saying they are a frugal, industrious, temperate and intelligent class of our citizens, fully as much so as the same number of any others in this city…Some three years since they erected the “Teutonia Hall,” and since its completion it has been found about indispensable, and in addition to the use for which it was designed by its founders, it has been used for various other purposes.


Court.—The June term of the district court will commence on Tuesday 21st inst.

WHEAT Wheat is still rushing in town. Last week it sold at 99 ¾, it is today between 95 and 98, and which if sufficient barges could land it would be $1.

Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago THE DAKOTA FRIEND/DAKOTA TAWAXITKU KIN St. Paul, Minnesota Published Monthly by the Dakota Mission Volume 1, No. 8 June 1851 Gatherings from the Traditionary (handed-down) History of the Mdewakantonan Dakotas It was while the Dakotas occupied the country as stated in the last number of the Friend, that they first became acquainted with Europeans, a little more than two hundred years ago.

The Dakotas speak of a tribe of Indians very far in the north, whom they call Wa-sa-ka-o-wa-sin-yu-ta-pi (eaters of uncooked food.) It is believed that this name is applied by them to the Esquimaux Indians and that it may be consequently inferred, that centuries ago, they were their neighbors.

The Dakotas first met with white men while on the war path far in the south. The war party was a large one, and the white men with whom they met were few. The Dakotas were penetrated with fear, and felt reverence for the white men similar to that which they feel for the gods. The white men were also agitated with fear. They extended the hand, trembling, to each other, and freely exchanged presents. When a gun was exhibited, discharged, and presented to the Indians they drew back in utter amazement. They separated in peace and the Dakotas returned to astonish their families with the relation of what had happened.

The first trading post occupied by the French in the country of the Dakotas, of which I have heard them speak, was located on the east shore of Lake Pepin near the foot of the Lake. They apply to the chief occupant of that post the name of Ti-ta-ni-ke, (old inhabitant).

The next post seems to have been on the Mississippi, a little above the mouth of Rice creek. While the post on Lake Pepin was occupied, several Frenchmen were murdered, with a few Dakotas, by a war party of Chippewas. At that time, also, a large war party of Ottawa Indians crossed Lake Pepin, from the west side, on a rude raft. The place where they embarked was but a few rods distant from the present residence of Hon. James Wells…(to be continued)… ENGLISH AND DAKOTA Tatanka xuktanka ko on maga yumdupi / They plow the field with oxen and horses.

Mariyumdu waxte on maga yumdupi / They plow the field with a good plow.

The Oxen go well though no one drives them / Tuwedan tatanka karape xni kex tanyan yapi.

They will plant immediately when the ploughing is finished. / Womdu yuztanpi kinhan wancake wojupi kta.

The following which we clip from a South exchange paper, is rather savage. A scalp amongst Minnesota Indians is valued at $1100.

$200 REWARD RAN AWAY, from the subscriber in Doaksville, Choctaw Nation, on the 25th January, a likely (black) man named ALECK, a good blacksmith, aged about 29, bright dark complexion, about five feet ten inches high, has a small scar on his face. When spoken to has slight stutter in his speech, particularly if a little excited— The above reward will be paid if delivered to me in Doaksville.

If the boy cannot be taken alive, I will pay a reward of twenty-five dollars for his scalp.

H. N. FOLSOM Doaksville, Feb. 19