15 Years Ago HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE June 22, 2006 Editorial Make your voice heard on Vermillion River standards There’s no arguing how important the water quality of the Vermillion River is to the …
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15 Years Ago HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE June 22, 2006 Editorial Make your voice heard on Vermillion River standards There’s no arguing how important the water quality of the Vermillion River is to the City of Hastings. It follows, then, that the proposed standards before the Vermilion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization ought to be of great concern to the citizens of Hastings.
Hastings is downstream of all other communities on the Vermillion River, which run through both Dakota and Scott counties. That makes our community dependent upon the water management practices of others.
In effect, it matters little how strict Hastings standards are if similar standards aren’t enforced by communities like Lakeville and Farmington. Without uniform standards, water in the Vermillion will flow into Hastings polluted.
That’s what makes the joint-powers organization so effective. It offers citizens of Hastings a unique opportunity to influence water-management policies outside their city’s boundaries. They joint-powers organization’s water-management policies will draw its authority from state law, meaning its standards will be uniform throughout the watershed district.
The Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Board will hear public comments on the proposed standards until Monday. It behooves residents of Hastings to make their voices heard. 30 Years Ago Hastings Star-Gazette June 20, 1991 Mission Mexico More than 200 youth depart for two weeks of giving of themselves By Doug Schultz, staff writer After months of [planning, fundraisers and general anticipation, more than 200 Hastings High School students and at least 25 adults left Sunday…for Juarez, Mexico as part of Mission Mexico ’91.
The group will spend about two weeks, minus travel time, in helping meet the needs of the communities around Juarez, which is not far from the border near El Paso, Texas. Traditionally, the group has stayed in university accommodations and gone across the border each day to do their mission work.
The group’s work will consist largely of building or repairing homes, churches, and schools. But the group also left with a school bus full of mostly medical supplies, stuffed animals for the children of Juarez, and Bibles.
Before the group left Sunday, about 500 people in all gathered at United Methodist Church for a send-off that included a short prayer service and then many goodbye hugs and handshakes. According to the Rev. Duane Sarazin, pastor of United Methodist, the supplies for the trip filled one large room at the church (story continues at Pioneer Room).
45 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE June 24, 1976 Jaycees Junior Golf Tourney Is Fri., 25th At the Country Club The annual Junior Golf Tourney sponsored by the Hastings Jaycees, will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, June 25th, at the Hastings Country Club. All girls and boys from 12-17 are eligible to play. Those interested in playing area asked to sign up in advance at the clubhouse.
For additional information call Dale Iverson at 437**** or Dave Dotson, 437**** 60 Years Ago THE REPORTER Serving St. Paul Park, Newport, Thompson Grove, Woodbury Hts.
Friday, June 23, 1961 (no June 16 issue photographed) Bids For $500 Million Sewage Plant Await Action Tonight COTTAGE GROVE— Bids are scheduled to be let tonight (Friday) for construction of the township’s sewage treatment plant and trunk lines.
The disposal facility, which is expected to cost an estimated half-million dollars, will be built near the 3M Chemolite plant on the Mississippi River It will service the Thompson Estates area east of Highway 61.
The township’s consulting engineers, Bonestroo, Rosene, and Associates of St. Paul, recently applied to the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers for a permit to install an 18-inch outfall line emptying into the Mississippi.
The line would come from the sewage treatment plant and extend across Kemp’s Slough and Freeborn Island to the river.
Tardy buses or not Twins win worth wait THOMPSON GROVE— It took a bit of patience, but 80 Thompson Grove youngsters made it to a Minnesota Twins game one day last week.
And it was free—in a way.
A bit of vexation could be seen in some of their faces as they waited for an hour outside the Thompson Grove County Club for two tardy buses (photos in hardcover newspaper archives of the Washington County Historical Society). But once on the bus it seemed forgotten—and it really was after they saw the Twins beat Kansas City.
The boys making the trip were among an estimated 200 participating in the four baseball leagues in Thompson Grove. They range in age from 6 to 15.
The trip was a reward for selling one or more cartons of candy in a project to raise money, for equipment.
So far, the Thompson Grove Recreation association has sold 600 cartons. Some 900 cartons remain to be distributed.
The association hopes to sell these in area business places.
Thompson Grove has three intra-Grove leagues for the younger players and one team that sees action in the Wakota league, which includes St. Paul Park, Newport, South Grove, Inver Grove and Hastings.
Two ball fields are currently being constructed in the Grove.
The association was started by a group of men in the Grove who felt they had to provide some sort of program for their youngsters. They started with no equipment but they hope to realize about $900 from the candy sale.
Ladies of the Grove also have an auxiliary to the organization and they are planning a July dance as another fund raiser for equipment. 107 Year Ago BOTH SIDES “Regulation not Prohibition” Published at Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota Twentieth Year, Number 38 October 8, 1914 What must Mars think of the doings in Europe?
A neutral ship, apparently, is one that carries nothing nowhere, Oftentimes the man who entertains a good opinion of himself is easily entertained.
Has anyone noticed how much history was crowded into August 1914?
Some of the fellows who brag about “supporting” candidates can hardly support themselves.
Matter of Love.
If a man loves a woman he will give up smoking for her, but if she really loves him she won’t ask him to.—Exchange.
SEES THE WORLD IN WANT English Scientist Asserts That Starvation Is Perilously Close to the Human Race Sir William Crooke, the eminent English Scientist, says we will starve to death, not in 1,000,000 years, but 26 years from now, in 1940. In support of this astonishing statement, he advances many facts and figures, which are corroborated by some of our most notable American scientists… Longer Ears for Ships By Robert H. Moulton As a result of the Titanic disaster, Sir Hiram Maxim, the inventor of the Maxim gun, has evolved a plan for giving ships a “sixth sense” that will enable them to avoid icebergs in a fog by the same means by which a bat finds its way about in the dark. For a year or more he has been working on a device which he claims will enable a vessel to detect a floating object several miles away, to estimate its size, and to recognize the character of a neighboring shore, so that a harbor, for instance, may be safely entered in a fog.
All this is to be done simply by receiving and recording the echoes sent back by the objects to be detected; but the sound that produces the echoes is not high enough in pitch to be audible… 105 Years Ago CANNON FALLS BEACON Friday, January 30, 1916 Full page Ad CELEBRATION 4th of July 1916. CANNON FALLS.
Program: 100 Guns at Sunrise Concert by Red Wind Band of 20 Pieces at 9 a.m.
Automobile Parade at 10 a.m.
Ragamuffin Parade Led by Dutch Band, 10:30 a.m.
Oration by Hon. S. D. Works, State Insurance Commissioner, 11 a.m.
Picnic Dinner at Riverside Park, 12m (note: probably 12 meridiem or “midday”) Horse Races at the Fair Grounds, 1:30 p.m.
2:20 Trot, 2:30 Trot or Pace, Free for All Race, Colt Race Base Ball Game at the Fair Grounds, 3 p.m.
CANNON FALLS vs. STANTON (more details) Everybody is Invited to Come and Celebrate in Cannon Falls) Clipped from elsewhere 149 Years Ago THE WEEKLY VALLEY HERALD Chaska, Minnesota December 12, 1872 THE HASTINGS UNION, of a late date, says that while Greeley received 800 majority in this county there as on the contrary a majority of eighty-three against Mr. Graham and for Maj. Strait (dispute ensues as to proper facts).
Hastings in the Civil War 157 Years Ago THE HASTINGS CONSERVER June 28, 1864 THE DRAFT The following is the names drawn, in Dakota County, to fill the deficiencies caused by the exemptions and desertions: BURNSVILLE Wm. Rice; James Sheridan; Michael McDonald; John M’Nama; Peter Faherring EAGAN William Haley; John Mayher; Edmund Dunn; John McDonald; George Clakey; Peter Shapdelaine; Michael Kirby; Daniel Sullivan; Morris Hurley; John Silk EUREKA Las Oleson; John Oleson; John Johnson; Wm. C. Smith; Jeremiah Poole; Carl Torson GREENVALE Jeremiah Clark; Ober C. Johnson; B. Oleson; John Cahill; Michael Kinery MARSHAN Richard Varian ROSEMOUNT William Ernis; James Britt VERMILLION Granville S. Horton; Samuel Brown; Geo. W. Weeks WEST ST. PAUL Peter Riegelsparger; Thomas Andrew; John Rigney; Frederick H. Leyde; Pat Riley.
ADVERTISEMENT: Agents Wanted to sell by subscription an excellent, illustrated, and low-priced History of the Rebellion. It is in both English and German. Also several other beautifully illustrated, interesting, and valuable family works. Also for peddlers and agents a great variety of pictures, Battle Scenes, Portraits of Eminent Generals and Civilians; Gems for the Album, etc., together with a large assortment of Stationery Packages. These goods sell well.
Fir circulars, with terms, address HENRY HOWE 111 Main Street, Cincinnati Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago THE DAKOTA FRIEND/DAKOTA TAWAXITKU KIN July 1, 1851
Dakota and English Wambaheza nina woyute yapi.
Corn is much used for food.
Wamnaheza paxdayapi eca, waxte rinca.
Corn, when hulled is very good.
Yacin hecinhan wamnaheza onge yuta wo.
If you wish, eat some corn.