15 Years Ago HASTINGS ….

Posted 7/28/21

15 Years Ago HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE July 6, 2006 Front page: Rollover accident leaves Hastings teen with serious injuries (Stephen Anderson) Other headlines: Feature: Hastings man turns backyard into …

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15 Years Ago HASTINGS ….


15 Years Ago HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE July 6, 2006 Front page: Rollover accident leaves Hastings teen with serious injuries (Stephen Anderson) Other headlines: Feature: Hastings man turns backyard into golf green/1C People: Darsow shares East Hastings history and more/2C Sports: Mudhens win a thriller on the Fourth./2B Editorial on Mayor’s Race: It’s your future Hastings. Whom do you want to lead?

A dozen sandwich boards, a few cans of spray paint and about forty bucks. That’s all Mike Werner had in his campaign chest when he first ran for elected office in 1981.

But almost 25 years later, those small items are at least partially responsible for what sparked Werner’s quarter-century of involvement at City Hall, the first eight of those served as council member and the last 16 served as mayor.

During his tenure as a council member and as mayor, Werner, along with his colleagues on the council, faced many of the same tough issues Hastings continues to face today. Preservation of history is one. Controlling and maintaining population growth is another.

But Hastings is facing new issues, such as the future of the downtown riverfront and dealing with cuts to local government aid. These are issues that won’t go away after Werner leaves his office at 101 E. Fourth St.

So whom do you want to lead this community in the future? We already have four passionate candidates (see page 1A story) who have outlined their vision for this historic river town that is increasingly becoming a suburban mecca. And there’s still time to file for the mayor’s race or two atlarge council seats, one of which, one way or the other, will be left vacant by council member and mayoral candidate Paul Hicks True, some of the mayoral candidates have more distinguished records of experience inside City Hall than others. But although experience can be an important asset in the local political scene, it’s not necessarily the entire kit and caboodle. Just ask Mike Werner what it takes to be an elected member of the Hastings City Council, and he’ll probably hand you a couple of twenties, a can of spray paint, and a sandwich board. Experience is earned, and is the result of committed passion.

And if anyone doubts this community contains passionate individuals, just try answering phones at the Hastings Star-Gazette the day after a new edition of the paper hits the news stands.

It’s your future, Hastings. Whom do you want to lead the way?

(front page story lists Jeff Beltz; Paul Hicks; Rich Nykleburst and Lance Twedt as candidates for mayor).

30 Years Ago HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE July 11, 1991 Headlines for the week: 10 Years Ago: 51/2 ton granite boulder set in place at Veteran’s Memorial Levee./ 7B.

Evicted veteran lives in the woods; repeatedly refused help/1B.

Possible local disaster. What to do?

Local emergency planners are frustrated by residents who call 911 when warning sirens sound. Res- idents are equally frustrated not knowing what to do when they hear the siren. The answer? See page 8A.

Local airport task force member has nearly impossible task ahead.

By Steve Eide, staff writer Gloria Pinke, a manager in the Dakota County Assessor’s Office, is in the odd position of being on a task force mandated to choose an airport site in an area where no one wants an airport. Pick an area, any area, and most people don’t want the noise, the traffic, the increased pollution, and any other miscellaneous maladies that an airport would bring.

Pinke is one of 41 people on the Airport Search Area Advisory Task Force, a group working closely with the Metropolitan Council.

“Nobody in the three search areas wants it,” Pinke says. “The people in South Minneapolis don’t want it.

Yet as long as people want to fly to Hawaii and the Bahamas during January, to Texas or California to visit the relatives, as long as businesspeople want to cut deals in New York or sell computers in Detroit, well, the accursed airport has to go somewhere. July 4, 1991 Council tables action on Westland request SUMMARY: As at last week’s Planning Commission, many reasons were cited at Monday’s July 1, Hastings City Council meeting of why not to amend the city’s comprehensive plan, the first governmental requirement necessary for developing Westland, a new shopping center proposal. But the opposition didn’t carry the day. The council voted to table the motion until July 15 when more questions can be answered.

(story by Steve Eide at City Hall Pioneer Room)

45 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE July 8, 1976 Public Is Invited To An Open House At Camp Courage The public is invited to attend an open house and rededication ceremony at Camp Courage, near Maple Lake, Minnesota, on Sunday, July 18, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

The event will provide an opportunity to tour Minnesota’s only residential camp for physically handicapped children and adults, owned and operated by the Minnesota Society for Crippled Children and Adults, headquartered at Courage Center in Golden Valley, Minnesota.

The original reception center was destroyed by fire in March, 1974, according to Courage Center’s Executive Director Wilko B. Schoenbohm. “The rebuilt, enlarged center houses the library, the nature museum, campcraft programs, food service and administrative offices and laundry facilities,” he said. 105 Years Ago THE HASTINGS DAILY GAZETTE July 16, 1916 A Floater Found The body of an unknown man was discovered in the Vermillion Slough, opposite Thomas Kane’s, Ravenna, last Friday evening by George Guenther, having drifted upon a snag. It was badly decomposed and buried in the Potter’s Field at Lakeside yesterday afternoon. Dr. R. H. Wald was summoned but held no inquest.

115 Years Ago CANNON FALLS BEACON Friday, July 13, 1906 Pleased. “What did the teacher say about your essay?” asked Mrs. McGudley.

“He said it was tautological,” answered the…graduate.

“Gracious me! To think of your doing anything like that almost the first time tryin’!” —Washington Star BEACON LIGHTS (Have you visitors at your home? Are you going a’visiting? In either case, call up the Beacon, 20-2 rings).

Ice Cream Sodas and Sundaes at Markell’s.

Mable Anderson spent the 4th in Cannon Falls.

Earl Greaves and Charles Metz spent the 4th here.

200 from Northfield visited Cannon Falls on the 4th.

We have a suggestion to make to the patrons of Rural Routes. Put your name on your mail box. The Beaconess took a drive the other day and passed so many pretty country homes without knowing who lived in them, and others passing through our beautiful country feel the same. At Randolph we were pleased to note the tidy appearance of the lawns and streets, the weeds along the side of the street were all mowed down leaving everything in ship shape.

Opportunities in all lines of business in new and glowing towns in Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and Minnesota along the line of the Chicago Great Western Railway. Write to Industrial Department, C. G. W. Railway, St. Paul Minn. for “Town Talk” and County map.

Arther Croft is spending his vacation in Duluth and northern Minnesota. In his absence Emmett Platt is at the post office window.

A very quiet home wedding was celebrated last Thursday evening at 8 o’ clock, at the home of Mrs. Rachel Hanson, when her son Arthur, was united in marriage to Miss Himlma Selgeby of Cottonwood county, Rev. R. A. Helms performing the ceremony. The young people have not decided where they will make their home.

What the other boys are saying: Mankato has a mystery. A ghostly white horse with an unseen driver is wont to patrol a certain street until wigwagged by a deeply veiled woman, who enters the carriage and is whirled rapidly away. The identity of the fair one cannot be learned, and every auburn-haired girl in town is under suspicion. — St. Peter Herald ]157 Years Ago Hastings in the Civil War July 5, 1864 C. W. Crosby Justice of the Peace and Conveyancer. Office with the Register of Deeds. Hastings, May 17, 1864. 6-tf.

Curtiss & Cowles Dealers in shoe and harness leather Saddlery hardware, shoe findings, etc., Ramsey Street, near Levee, and lumber of all descriptions in corner of Second and Eddy Streets.

Hastings, Feb. 19, 1863. 45-tf.

ESTRAY-STRAYED OR STOLEN from the subscriber on the 15th day May, 1864. Two HORSE COLTS, one a four-year-old brown, with white stripe in forehead and both hind feet and legs white up to knees; also a small spot on his back just behind the shoulder, and a wart on inside right hind leg. The other a three-year-old dark red, with a small white sport in the forehead. Who will return or give information of said colts will be liberally rewarded. 10-2w OLD CULBRAND.

Cannon Falls, June 14, 1864