Written by Pastor Paris Pasch of The Journey Church in Hastings

Posted 9/27/22

Written by Pastor Paris Pasch of The Journey Church in Hastings and peace in the midst of our mutual struggle and I needed to know what her source was. She had met Jesus and became relaxed and calm …

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Written by Pastor Paris Pasch of The Journey Church in Hastings


Written by Pastor Paris Pasch of The Journey Church in Hastings

and peace in the midst of our mutual struggle and I needed to know what her source was. She had met Jesus and became relaxed and calm in the middle of our life storm, in the center of our feeling like we were falling off our roof.

2 Timothy 4:18 (NIV) The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

Maybe you are the person who needs rescuing or maybe you are the person who provides the help. Either way God is standing at the ready to reach out and grab you by the hand. Hold on tight.