Getting To Know The Candidates

Posted 10/12/23

The Hastings Journal wants the community to have the opportunity to get to know the nine candidates for Hastings School Board.

Over the next few weeks, we’re posing questions to each …

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Getting To Know The Candidates


The Hastings Journal wants the community to have the opportunity to get to know the nine candidates for Hastings School Board.

Over the next few weeks, we’re posing questions to each candidate.

Running for four open seats on the Hastings School Board, in alphabetical order, are Philip Biermaier, Nancy Blanchard, Matt Bruns, Melissa Millner, Pamela Onnen, Mariah Ring, Matt Seeger, Brandy Wentzler and Jenny Wiederholt-Pine.

Question 1:

What do you think the role of the school board member is?

Philip Biermaier

I think it’s important to not view this as an individual role, it's a team effort. You're part of a group of seven folks, and we all come in with our own ideas about how to run the school district. You've got to handle everything from A to Z. The big thing is being able to find common ground because most of the important decisions require us to listen to everyone's thoughts before we make up our minds.

We've got to have discussions and sometimes even disagreements to figure things out. We need to be willing to give a little and take a little, and we've got to keep it professional, even when we don't see things the same way. Our main goal is to support our teachers and make sure our students get the best education, so we can't let personal conflicts get in the way of making the right choices.

Nancy Blanchard

I think the role of the school board is not singular in nature at all.   It is a very diverse job comprising responsibilities for caring, maintaining and controlling the public schools, giving direction and oversight to all professionals who manage the everyday happenings. Also, to support the superintendent, set school policies and develop the annual school budget, to name a few.

Matt Bruns

The role of a school board member is to be a dedicated advocate for the students, families, and educators in our community. It involves making informed decisions that prioritize equitable access to quality education, fostering a safe and inclusive learning environment, and promoting innovation and responsiveness to the evolving needs of our schools. It also means actively engaging with stakeholders, seeking their input, and transparently communicating decisions. Ultimately, a school board member should work collaboratively with fellow board members and district leadership to ensure that our schools provide every student with the best opportunities for academic success and personal growth.

Melissa Millner

The role and responsibilities of a school board member include:

  • Fully preparing and respectfully participating in school board meetings
  • Attending all meetings, work sessions and participating in committee work
  • Listening to the community, teachers, staff and students of the district in order to understand the current issues facing District 200. After listening and taking into account the differing opinions, a school board member should make informed decisions for the best interest of the students, district and community as a whole.

The school board sets the direction of the district through policy and then ensures the superintendent is executing the direction and policy.

A board member has the opportunity to help provide a quality education that every child deserves, thus making a lasting impact on our community in the short and long term. If elected, I would be honored to contribute to essential discussions about school budgeting, curriculum, personnel, and school infrastructure to make District 200 the best it can be.

Pamela Onnen

As a representative of the voters, a school board member should show the highest levels of responsibility and conduct because of the importance of the job. Each school board member is tasked with being prepared for each meeting, setting the vision (long terms benchmarks) and yearly goals for the district.  The seven members of the board work in chorus to pair the district’s vision for the future with district policies. Our district vision is available on the ISD200 website -- go to ISD200 Hastings website and type “vision” in the upper right search box. Once the policies are aligned to support the vision, then procedures, standards, and performance measures will be addressed by the board with educator input. I think this part is the most important because it guides the curriculum and learning for the students. The next most important role of a board member is to adopt and oversee the annual budget. I come in with a strength on this requirement; as an engineer, math teacher, and past Treasurer for both Scouts and Club Soccer boards, I have experience reviewing and preparing budgets.

The board has two more large roles; to hire and evaluate the superintendent, and to manage the union contracts for district employees. In my work with any of these defined roles, I need to stress the value of listening and bringing family input to the board meetings.

Mariah Ring

The role of a school board member is to set and manage goals for a district. This is carried out by representing the values and views of community members, setting a clear budget, and creating policies to support these goals, our staff and teachers, and our students.

Matt Seeger

A school board member is a representative of the community. My priority is ensuring our schools empower every child to reach their full potential. This means advocating for policies, budgets and a culture that supports educators in providing responsive instruction to meet every student's needs. It also means fostering an environment where all families feel welcomed and heard.

My role will be to bring people together around our shared goal - helping Hastings' students thrive. I'll work to build consensus, listen to all voices and keep us moving in a forward, positive direction focused on the kids.

Brandy Wentzler

A good board member seeks to inspire confidence in what our local schools can achieve. The majority of decisions a board makes are in alignment with federal, state and dept of education rules.   According to the MSBA (MN School Board Association) there are 5 main roles a school board member focuses on 1.) Conduct & Ethics when discussing important issues school board members must be respectful and respect the votes that need to be made 2.) The Vision is the goals & outcomes set for the district and we use the Strategic Plan to guide us. 3.) Policy & Structure which the board establishes, really guides the Superintendent and the staff in their day-to-day work. 4.) Accountability to the community & the students - we need to constantly monitor the conditions affecting the whole district by using achievement data to see if we are falling in line with our goals. 5.) Advocacy & Communication - as board members we are meant to focus on the community wide concerns related to student achievement rather than special interests and then we are meant to communicate with all our stakeholders. We do not run the school, but we make sure the schools are operating smoothly. Our job is to entrust the educational professionals who were hired to manage the day-to-day operations. Every decision is made for the benefit of ALL students. 

Jenny Wiederholt-Pine

A school board member needs to work collectively with all board members and administration, while respecting the different strengths and views from each member. Board members make strategic decisions around the district’s funding and budget management. They are responsible for policy development and supervision. They assist in contract negotiations and evaluate the performance of the superintendent. Board members should engage with school administration, students and the community. However, I believe the number one role of the school board member is to prioritize student achievement through academics.

Question 2:

What is your vision for ISD 200 and how as a school board member will you help implement that vision?

Jenny Wiederholt-Pine

My vision is to prepare each student to graduate from ISD 200 with the skills, knowledge and confidence to pursue the career of their choice. I would work to support the academics, extracurricular activities, arts and athletics to provide students a solid foundation.

Brandy Wentzler

My hope is to serve our students in a way that maintains the practices that are already functioning well and by looking and thinking forward to find improvement in areas where we are challenged as a district. My focus will be on the well-being of our children and educational staff. I am also interested in the kind of support our schools and community offer for parents who need it. It's going to be important to pay attention to financial data and continue to make sound fiscal decisions when it comes to taxpayer dollars. I realize I might sit at the board table knowing that not everyone around me is in agreement on all things, but I am a thoughtful listener and competent individual able to have thoughtful and respectful discussions.  

Matt Seeger

I want to see our district focusing on keeping students and families safe from modern-day threats through the use of appropriate technology and resources. We should be striving to preserve the districts long held commitment to academic excellence through the robust curriculum and activity offerings our community has come to not only expect but celebrate as well.

My vision is for every Hastings Public School student to feel valued, heard, and supported on their educational journey. I envision responsive learning environments where teachers have flexibility to nurture each child as an individual. Where diverse cultures and identities are welcomed. And where staff uplift students to reach their full potential. As a board member, I’ll champion policies that promote inclusion, social-emotional development, and customized academic support to meet each student’s needs. I’ll advocate for proper funding and training to help teachers provide tailored instruction. And I’ll listen to families to ensure all voices shape the district’s vision. With student-focused leadership, open communication and sound governance, I believe we can realize a school system where every child has the opportunity to thrive. This collaborative vision leverages my decades of experience bringing people together to foster supportive cultures focused on human potential. And it’s exactly why I’m running - to help Hastings schools empower the unlimited promise within every student.

Mariah Ring

I hope to serve on the School Board to continue to support ISD 200 as a safe and supportive environment for students to receive a quality education. I will assist in implementing this vision through open communication with board members and the community, listening to the community, students, and teachers, and supporting policies and budget items that generate growth and success within our district schools.  

Pamela Onnen

The superintendent, with input from the board and interested district residents, develops the District Vision Card. Our current Vision Card concentrates on three main areas: Students, Families, and Staff.

For each main area, we have district goals. Looking at the STUDENT vision card goals, I’ll explain just one of the goals that is related to Student Attendance. For this item, there are five levels of attendance that are tracked: less than 80% attendance, 80 – 84%, 85 – 89%, 90 – 95%, and greater than 95% attendance. The superintendent tracks this information and looks for trends to check that we are on track…for each of our district goals.

School board members should be paying attention to each element of our district vision to act as a liaison for our district families. The families should get this information so that it is clear and understandable. The board members must share not only the importance of the district vision with families, but also information about any trends, both concerning trends and positive trends.

Melissa Millner

My vision is for all students, teachers, staff, and administrators to thrive and love being a part of ISD 200.

I want to continue to help build the very best district for all families to be safe, secure, valued and supported.  I want all families to be comfortable, welcomed and proud to attend. I want to ensure that District 200 schools are focused on academic achievement, literacy, and fair treatment for all students.  I would like to see proper behavior by all students, strict bullying guidelines, and a partnership with parents.

My vision also includes supporting the quality teachers and staff we already have so they too feel safe, secure, valued and supported.  When teachers and staff have the most appealing district to work in, more amazing teachers and staff will be drawn to be a part of our community and district. 

I have been actively asking and listening to input from those who are in our schools day to day in order to learn how I can best be an informed and integral part of serving as an effective board member.  A board that is unified in its goals to support our district and all of our students and their needs will create the learning environment for these children to thrive.

Lastly, my vision includes a fiscally responsible district. It is of utmost importance as we face challenging financial times in our entire country right now.  My 25 years’ experience as a small business owner and going through the process of building a new facility 9 years ago, shows that I am extremely cautious with spending and am very fiscally responsible.  If elected, be assured I will look closely at the district budget and will approach financial decisions with experience, wisdom, honesty and transparency for the families of District 200. 

Matt Bruns

My vision for ISD 200 is to create an inclusive, forward-thinking, and student-centered educational system that prepares all students for success in the 21st century. As a school board member, I will work tirelessly to implement this vision by advocating for policies and initiatives that meet the needs of each learner and their families. This includes addressing disparities in resources, supporting meaningful professional development for educators, and fostering a curriculum that is both rigorous and adaptable to the changing world. I will actively engage with the community, seeking input from parents, students, and educators, and working with peers on the board to ensure that our district remains responsive to the evolving needs of our students and maintains a commitment to excellence in education. Together, we can create a school system that empowers every student to reach their full potential.

Nancy Blanchard

My vision for ISD200 comprises several directives.  I'd, first, like to see the school board conduct their meetings with respect for the position they hold and one another.  Next, we can hopefully facilitate a plan to have control returned in all classrooms with a protocol securely in place to insure that. So, our amazing, professional teachers can do their job. Also, to instill integrity in every part of ISD200, for our buildings, our administration, our teachers, our parents and our students along with all the professionals who keep the day-to-day flow moving forward.  I don't want to leave out the bathroom concerns, that they are being misused and subsequently locked, in some circumstances. One more vision of mine is to see political agendas left out of the classrooms and focus on academics rekindled. We owe all our children an education and paths to improve their scholastic standing so each one can be successful in what they desire to do. These are a few of the visions for our school district that I have right now.

Philip Biermaier

My vision is simple: we need to refocus on education and create a politically neutral and safe learning environment for both teachers and students. I also believe that parents should play an active role in their child's education. It's crucial to rebuild the connections between students, parents, and teachers to pave the way for academic success. As the brilliant economist Thomas Sowell once said, "The best chance for success is education." Our education system should equip students to excel in any path they choose, whether it's pursuing higher education or becoming valuable members of the workforce.

We should encourage young minds to embrace trades, as many highly skilled individuals work in those fields every day. I want young families to select our district for the quality of education it offers, not feel compelled to leave due to its shortcomings. It's essential that teachers feel supported and respected in their classrooms, and discipline should be restored to maintain order. Education isn't always easy, but we should raise the bar for our students and inspire them to strive for greatness, not lower our expectations.

I believe we can do better, and as a board member, I'm committed to collaborating with my fellow members to turn these goals into reality.

Question 3:

Do you believe the public’s voice should be heard as part of the school board meeting that is televised, and how do you believe that can be facilitated to keep the public comments relevant and timely?

Pamela Onnen

Yes. I would like public comment. I would ask the speaker’s first statement to be their main point, with the remainder of two minutes to explain their reasoning and give further information. Only one speaker per main topic, and a maximum of 5 speakers (based on the number of persons who generally come to speak at the listening sessions).

Mariah Ring

I believe that the public should have their voices heard as part of the school board meeting. It is important for constituents in the community to feel that they are being heard and their concerns are being addressed especially by those they have elected. In order to keep comments relevant and timely, they should be limited to the discussion points on the agenda for the meeting and be communicated in a concise manner. Utilizing a uniformed time limit for comment would allow equal access to comment for all in attendance who would like to address the board. 

Matt Seeger

I believe the public's voice is an invaluable measure of what the community wants and is concerned about. I would like us to look at what has worked in other districts, particularly neighboring and similar districts. I believe the community wants time to be spent seeking a process that allows the community to speak directly and respectfully with the board. Seeking a way to do this while also avoiding unnecessary liability will be a critical step in restoring the communities trust in this governing body.

I firmly believe the community's voice is critical - after all, the board serves families and residents. Public comment creates transparency and ensures all perspectives are considered. To keep comments focused, I would propose a sign-up process for speakers to share topics in advance. This allows time to prepare relevant responses. I'd also suggest respectful time limits per speaker so the board can thoughtfully consider each viewpoint. Additionally, I support exploring options like town halls on pressing issues to gather input outside regular meetings. And soliciting written comments to be included in meeting minutes. My priority is balancing meaningful public discourse with efficient governance. I will champion policies affording ample opportunity for students, parents, employees and taxpayers to share concerns while enabling progress on district business." In summary, I value community voices and will pursue solutions allowing sufficient input within the logistical constraints of board meetings.

Brandy Wentzler

I think it is important for parents to be heard by the school board. As a board member I would be able to listen to community concerns via email or phone calls, in the grocery store, as well as the current public participation policy. The televised and live streamed version of the public meeting became new with the COVID shut down. The current policy, which is similar to surrounding districts, does not allow for televised comment, I believe, in order to protect the legal rights to privacy and due process of employees and students who might inadvertently be named during a public comment. All taped board meetings are available at any time & can be pulled up and seen on HCTV’s YouTube channel. There are also members of the community who do not wish to be on camera. The camera should not hinder any one person from wanting to engage with the school board. I encourage citizens to use the many channels of communication to reach out to board members. We need to hear useful information from our community for the benefit of our students and teachers.

Jenny Wiederholt-Pine

Yes, the public should have the ability to share their ideas and concerns with the school board. Each meeting could have a designated amount of time to obtain public feedback.

Philip Biermaier

I'm a staunch advocate for open communication. I firmly believe that every parent and taxpayer should have the opportunity to express their disagreements with me directly. It's not right to ask for financial support and then dismiss the voices of those who contribute. Rest assured, I may not always be the most knowledgeable person in the room, but I will always lend an ear to the concerns of the public. Whether I share your viewpoint or not, you deserve a platform to express your opinions.

Nancy Blanchard

I do believe the public's voice should be heard as long as there are reasonable protocols in place, they're known by all, are adhered to and carried out in an honorable and respectful way. As board members, we need to be the example, not part of the problem.

Matt Bruns

Absolutely, I firmly believe in the importance of the public's voice being heard in televised school board meetings. Public input is invaluable in shaping our educational policies and priorities. To ensure relevant and timely public comments, we can implement strategies such as setting clear agenda items for discussion, designating specific time slots for public comments related to those items, and imposing reasonable time limits for individual speakers. Additionally, leveraging technology to allow virtual participation and providing an online portal for written comments can broaden accessibility. Considering community feedback is an essential step to foster a more inclusive and transparent decision-making process that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of our community.

Melissa Millner

I absolutely believe public input is vital. The board is elected by the people of this community. In order for our community to be able to make well-informed decisions and to be transparent, it’s important for the public comments to be televised during the meeting.

As for facilitating public comments, we can encourage folks to reach out to the board, superintendent or administrators to get answers outside of the meetings; but I do not believe we should do anything to try to silence the public. The board works for people of this community, so they should be heard.