Dakota County waives fee for Recycling Ambassador program

County seeks to increase accessibility of recycling education


Individuals who live or work in Dakota County are invited to participate in the county’s Recycling Ambassador class this spring at no cost.
Participants will learn about waste reduction, recycling, composting and more from regional experts and field trips to recycling facilities. Once classes are complete, participants volunteer 30 hours, putting their skills to work on individual projects or with other Recycling Ambassadors.
The class will be held 6–8 p.m. Tuesdays, March 19–April 19, online via Zoom. The program includes course materials and optional field trip transportation.
Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information or to register, visit www.dakotacounty.us and search recycling ambassador, or contact Kirsten Wahlberg atkirsten.wahlberg@co.dakota.mn.us or 952-891-7595.