Board of Education Independent School District 200 Hastings, Minnesota


Board of Education

Independent School

District 200

Hastings, Minnesota

A Special Meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No.200, Hastings, Minnesota, was held on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at the Hastings Middle School Media Center.

The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Lisa Hedin at 6:00 PM.

The following members of the Board were present: Brian Davis, Mark Zuzek, Carrie Tate, Jessica Dressely, Stephanie Malm, and Lisa Hedin. Members absent: Becky Beissel. Superintendent Champa was also present.

After the Pledge of Allegiance a motion was made to approve the agenda. This motion was made by Mark Zuzek and seconded by Jessica Dressely. The vote was: 6 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent, motion carried unanimously.

A motion to approve the proposed classification change was made by Jessica Dressely and seconded by Stephanie Malm. The vote was: 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously.

A motion to approve the paraprofessionals contract was made by Stephanie Malm and seconded by Mark Zuzek. The vote was: 6 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously.

Becky Beissel arrived at 6:07.

Board Chairperson Lisa Hedin then opened the table to nominations for the Board Treasurer position due to the resignation of Brian Davis as Board Treasurer.

1st Nominee: Jessica Dressely Nominated by: Brian Davis

With no further nominations for the position of treasurer the vote to appoint Jessica Dressely was as follows: Brian Davis, Becky Beissel, Carrie Tate, Jessica Dressely, Mark Zuzek, Stephanie Malm, and Lisa Hedin.

With no further business to discuss, a motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mark Zuzek and seconded by Jessica Dressely. The vote was: 7 ayes, 0 nays, motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:10 PM.

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