40 Years Ago THE HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE December 3, 1981 AAUW Christmas Party The Hastings branch of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) will hold its Christmas party on Dec. 12 at 8 p.m. The social will be held at Inver Hills Junior college in the new student center. Margaret and Hermenio Diaz will provide the musical entertainment that evening which will include a variety of Puerto Rican melodies, selections from the Madrigal and Christmas favorites. Call Marica Van Vleet for information or reservations. Lunch with Santa Dec. 5 Lunch will be served at 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to Santa and his friends on Dec. 5 in the Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. Each lunch will be limited to 250 people. The cost is $2 per person in advance or $2.50 at the door. Proceeds from the lunches will go to the American Cancer Society. For ticket information call Peg Jones at 437-****. 56 Years Ago THE HASTINGS GAZETTE DECEMBER 17, 1964 SORRY - WRONG HOUSE NUMBER! Four local men are still red-faced after mistaking a local resident for the funeral home where a friend’s wake was being held. As they approached they saw cars crowded around the house, and the house fully lighted, and people coming and going at the front door; and the men agreed—so the story goes—that “This must be the place.” Their suspicions began when they got to the door. Inside they could see an obviously convivial atmosphere, and to clear the confusion, they asked, “Where’s the body?” It developed they were one block off course, and had mistakenly wandered into a Christmas party. Shopping Tour For Youngsters Sat. The annual Christmas shopping tour for children who might not otherwise have as big a Christmas will be conducted Saturday forenoon in local stores by the Hastings Jaycees. Mrs. Jaycees will also be assisting with the tour and with the gift-wrapping sessions afterward. “Miss Hastings,” Charlene Fitzpatrick, also plans to help. The children are given money and allowed to pick out gifts for other members of their families. Bob Jancoski is in charge of the project. News Across the River 100 Years Ago THE PRESCOTT TRIBUNE December 1, 1921 LOCAL CHURCH ACTIVITIES Weekly happenings of interestto Church Workers inAll Denominations Methodist Episcopal Church Midweek services at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. Sun, December 4th at 10:30 a.m., public worship Congregational Morning worship at 10:30 Theme, “The Gospel of Sacrifice and Service.” We will also partake of the Lord’s Supper at this hour. Sunday school at 11:45 Evening service at 7:30. Subject, “One that Cares.” You are invited to attend these services. C. E. Brenneman, Pastor. Episcopal Church Rev. Eglin will conduct service at the Episcopal church this evening, December 1st, at 7:30. Come, and tell your friends to do likewise. 115 Years Ago CANNON FALLS BEACON December 7, 1906 Humor and Philosophy By Duncan M. Smith Pert Paragraphs Don’t pry into the secrets of your friends. You may jar loose a halo. The more the robber man takes of our necessities the more our necessities become. A man may not be peculiarly friendless and at the same time know many people who are worrying themselves thin for fear he will die in the poorhouse. Usually after a high official is officially declared immune he proceeds to remune (Note: Latin “munus” = “burden, taxes.” Thus “remune” would be “reburden”). A fat receivership doesn’t have the trouble that Diogenes did in finding its man. Literal vs. semantic translations: Various How Are You’s? “How are you?” In German is “Wie beholden sie sich?” (How do you find yourself?” It is also, “Wie geht’s.” The Dutch say “How vaart gij” (How do you fare?” The Italians ask, “Come state?” (How do you stand?” The French, “Comment vous portez- vous? (How do you carry yourself?) The Greeks ask what you are doing, the Chinese want to know if you enjoy your rice, and the Russians inquire how you are living. The Arabs, a devout people, say, “God grant his favors to you.” The Turks, no less devout,say, “Be under God’scare.” 156 Years Ago THE HASTINGS CONSERVER November 28, 1865 MARRIED In Hastings, Nov. 23d, 1865, by C. W. Crosby, esq., Mr. Michael Greil, of Hampton, Dakota County, Minn., and Miss Katherine Schroner, of the same place. DONATION.—The donation for the benefit of the REv. W. H. Humphrey, on Friday night, passed off very pleasantly. The net proceeds were $244.56. SOCIABLE.—The Methodist sociable will be held at the residence of Mrs. L. L. Twitchell, corner of Fifth and Bailly Streets, on Friday evening next. All are invited. TEACHER’S ASSOCIATION.—The county teacher’s association will meet at Twitchell’s school house on Saturday, Dec. 2d, 1865. All interested in school matters are invited to attend. STAGES.—Messrs. Burbank & Co. are already running two through stages, arriving at this city daily. The eastern stages at 1 o’ clock p.m., and the western stages at 11 1/2 o’ clock a.m. Their gentlemanly agent, Mr. D. L. Sherburne, may be found at the stage office at all hours. THE INVER GROVE MURDER TRIAL —This case has been finally disposed of, the jury bringing in a verdict last Saturday night, after being three hours out, of manslaughter in the second degree. This would entitle the defendant, Hugh McCue, to imprisonment for not less than four or more than seven years at hard labor.The case was ably conducted on both sides, and much credit is due our prosecuting attorney, T. R. Huddleston, esq., for his services in furthering the cause of justice. There is no doubt in our mind that if the first trial had been carried to Washington County the chief murderer Thomas Eagan, would today have been expiating his crime instead of being permitted to go at large. Territorial Dispatch 170 Years Ago THE MINNESOTAN December 6, 1851 A PROCLAMATION By Alexander Ramsey, Governor of the Territory of Minnesota “The Harvest is past, the Summer is ended;” the corn and the wheat that stood thick upon our fruitful soil, have been “gathered unto the garner.” Once more, “cold out of the North;” has come; “frost is given and the breadth of the waters is straightened.” Before the year closes, it seems a becoming act for the People of Minnesota, by public assembly and solemn observance, to unite in giving thanks to HIM, “who crowneth the year with goodness,” and whose blessings “are more in number than the sand.” In accordance, therefore, with a time-honored, and now general custom of the States of the Republic, I respectfully recommend to the People of this Territory the observance, in the way that is to them most appropriate, of Thursday, the 18th day of December, As a day of Praise and Thanksgiving. Given under my hand and the great seal of the Territory, any St. Paul, this third day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. ALEX. RAMSEY. By the Governor: Alexander Wilkin, Secretary