40 Years Ago THE HASTINGS STAR-GAZETTE December 10, 1981 Proposed regulations for Lake Rebecca I. Forward: There must be law and law and orders, rules and regulations for any society to function effectively and to allow for the greatest enjoyment for the largest number of people—even though there will be those who challenge the laws. Reasonable, workable rules should be established initially rather than attempting to enforce regulations after patterns have begun. Regulations in the Lake Rebecca area should reflect the basic intent of recreation in this small narrow lake in a wooded setting adjacent to private properties. This area lends itself to picnicking, swimming, fishing, canoeing, hiking, sunbathing, relaxing, meditating; only these activities which are in harmony with a Walden Pond atmosphere. Regulations help to discourage a general type of patron who is destructive and indifferent of other’s rights. This park offers the citizens of Hastings a quiet tranquil setting within the city limits.In order to preserve its attractive qualities, reasonable enforced regulations are a necessity. II. Regulations A. Charge a user fee. 1. Reasons a. Help park be self-supporting. b. There will be less federal subsidies for local government. c. Hastings’ growing population creates more cost and demand on budgets. d. Inflations is increasing city costs for all services. e. There are a number of free parks in the area. f. People who use parks which offer unique activitiesshould pay to defray expenses for these activities. g. Mobility and population increases will bring in people from cities around. h. Fee payments help discourage a “hang-out” atmosphere. B. No motorized vehicles other than in parking lot. Gas-powered boat motors, motorcycles, dune buggies, go-carts and snowmobiles Reasons: a. Water pollution, gas spillage News Across the River 100 Years Ago THE PRESCOTT TRIBUNE December 8, 1921 John Herman Obit John Herman, one of the pioneer settlers of Hastings, suffered a paralytic stroke on Tuesday of last week form which he was unable to rally and passed away about ten o’ clock Saturday morning. Funeral services were held Monday afternoon from the home at two o’ clock, Rev. Arthur Chard officiating, and interment was made in Lakeside Cemetery. Mr. Herrman leaves no children but is survived by four nephews: Ernst Werner of Hastings; Leonard Giebler, and Herman Geibler, or Prescott; John Geibler of Los Angeles, Calif. —Hastings Gazette. Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eckert on Thursday, December 1st, a bouncing baby boy. More About Tagged Fish In response to an inquiry to the Bureau of Fisheries at Fairport, Iowa, the following information has been received relative to the tagged pike caught here recently,from Director R. W. Borner. The fish was liberated in Lake Pepin near Lake City, early in September. “The fresh water lams from whose shells the pearl button is made are parasitic on fishes during their embryonic life. The immature clams, microscopic in size, attach themselves to the blood-filled filaments of a fish’s gill during the fish’s normal breathing process. In attaching themselves to the fish they cause a small wound in the fish’s tissue, which, in healing, creeps up over and around the minute mussel embryo and encysts it. The baby clam thus lives on the fish for some time until internal organs are so developed that it can live an independent life. When this stage is reached the clam embryo pries itself loose from the fish tissue and drops to the bottom, where it spends the rest of its life. The fish caught had its gills infected with from 3000 to 4000 embryos of the fat mucket shell and if it had been preserved possibly with the aid of a magnifying glass one might have been able to see the little mussels on its gills.” (Note: River dams have since endangered the range of some of these clams as they restrict the movement of the fish they depend on for early life. Those left above the dam, cannot spread or reproduce, being deprived of their host). 115 Years Ago CANNON FALLS BEACON December 14, 1906 Meyer and Johns Splendid Christmas Gifts Beautiful Holiday Goods Practical Christmas presents, every department brim full of just what you are looking for a gift. We have given much energy and time to getting the best assortment of holiday goods that we have ever shown. Your shopping will be made easy if you visit our store. School Notes Here we are again! Report cards last week made many a student think with pleasure of the agony that was endured before the exams of the week before, when the eternal question was, “To dig or to go skating?” Why not enjoy yourself, “Fust for Jun,” Friday evening? Wanted: Someone to carry those heavy encyclopedias back and forth, during the first period for me—May Sanborn, ‘10 An automatic window opener is just what is needed in the history room when the U.S. history class is reciting there. “All is not gold that glitters” quoted a Junior as he gazed at the Senior motto. Wanted: some more ice on the sidewalk in front of the High School building. The English Literature class have finished “Hamlet” and are refreshing themselves with “Bacon.” 156 Years Ago THE HASTINGS CONSERVER Tuesday, December 5, 1865 LOCAL AFFAIRS The Conserver will hereafter appear as an evening paper, and be mailed to subscribers on Wednesday morning.