Knights for Dads Rally set for Feb. 4

Posted 1/10/23

Dads of all ages and faith traditions are invited to a free, half-day rally from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 4, at St. Bridget Catholic Church, River Falls. The event is sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 4902 in River Falls, in cooperation with area KC Councils.

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Knights for Dads Rally set for Feb. 4


RIVER FALLS – Dads of all ages and faith traditions are invited to a free, half-day rally from 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturday, Feb. 4, at St. Bridget Catholic Church, River Falls. The event is sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 4902 in River Falls, in cooperation with area KC Councils.

The morning will feature Bob Kroll, nationally recognized fatherhood speaker, who will explain how the relationships between fathers and their children have a major impact in their families and in our world. Attendees will learn how they can be even more effective parents.

Doug Weiss, a member of the KC Council and chair of the Knights for Dads Rally, explained how the event started.

“Our council looked at child well-being statistics in father-absent homes and realized this was an area crying out for our involvement. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than one in four children live without a father in the home,” Weiss said.
The National Fatherhood Initiative’s website included these facts about children in father-absent homes:

  • Four times higher incident of infant death within the first 28 days of life
  • More likely to face abuse and neglect
  • More likely to abuse drugs and alcohol
  • Two times more likely to drop out of school
  • Seven times more likely to become pregnant as a teen
  • More likely to go to prison

The National Fatherhood Initiative “Father Facts” state:

  • Boys have fewer behavior problems and girls have fewer psychological problems when they have involved dads
  • Father involvement in schools is associated with the higher likelihood of a student getting mostly A’s
  • Involved dads lead to less distress in toddlers

“Many of our council members are dads and grandpas. We know – and these statistics prove – that involved, loving dads make a difference,” Weiss said. “We want to connect dads and granddads with resources to help them be the dads God intended them to be.”

Rally objectives
The rally aims to help dads:

  • Connect with other dads
  • Find resources to help them become their very best
  • Learn how they impact their children’s present and future
  • Reflect on their role and what they want for their child or children
  • Be proud of the dad they are becoming and realize that dads are all a work in progress!

The River Falls KC Council has reached out to area KC Councils, other churches, and men’s organizations to invite dads of all ages.

Registration requested by Jan. 26 at

Submitted by Knights of Columbus Council 4902

River Falls KC Council, Bob Kroll, St. Bridget Catholic Church, Rally for Dads, River Falls, Wisconsin, Knights of Columbus Council 4902