Jan. 11, 2022: Letters to the editor

Posted 1/10/23

Potholes are a pain

To the editor,

When driving on certain Pierce County highways, the potholes this year are terrible. Particularly on Highway 10 between Ellsworth and Prescott. Some spots are …

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Jan. 11, 2022: Letters to the editor


Potholes are a pain

To the editor,

When driving on certain Pierce County highways, the potholes this year are terrible. Particularly on Highway 10 between Ellsworth and Prescott. Some spots are becoming tire craters and sinkhole-like. The same can be said when driving Highway 10 from Prescott to County Point/Holiday Highway 61 intersection.
Where do our tax dollars go to when highway staff can’t keep up or try and prevent these from occurring? Someday Highway 10 from Ellsworth to Prescott needs to be repaired before there’s nothing left of it. 40 years of neglect is probably long enough on our vehicles.

Kurt Buckner

Letters to the editor, Opinion