Hot times = liquid times

Posted 6/28/22

“Write injuries in dust, benefits in marble”. -From Stitching Ideas by Lindy Stitches Think that one over and maybe it will help lead to a better, less stressful life. We sure do need a lot of …

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Hot times = liquid times


“Write injuries in dust, benefits in marble”.

-From Stitching Ideas by Lindy Stitches Think that one over and maybe it will help lead to a better, less stressful life. We sure do need a lot of good things to happen to help us get through these times that seem to be pulling us apart rather than getting us together in our country and the world.

I was hoping that I was done dealing with in depth learning process for new things but I got a new one this past week. Let's talk cat bites. Pumpkin is my large ginger cat and he has been with me for over a year. He was a rescue cat and was a total indoor cat and we decided to respect that. Sitka, the dog, was inside having supper and when it was time to take him outside, I neglected to shut the screen door. Pumpkin decided that maybe it was time to explore and he got out on the porch area. I panicked when I saw him outside and still had the dog on his leash. I started to wave at Pumpkin to get him back inside but Sitka decided he would be a big help and started leaping and running towards Pumpkin. Pumpkin reacted by giving me two bites, but he did get back inside and I was able to hold onto the dog. To say it was a BURNING PAINFUL experience would be putting it mildly.

I was hoping a few pain pills and a good night's sleep would take care of things but that was not to happen. My right hand had gotten to be pumpkin sized, very red, hot, and I could not move my fingers. Monday morning I decided that if I did not get a doctor's appointment that day, it was going to be ER day. I was able to get a physician's assistant appointment. She ordered an antibiotic prescription for me as well as instructions on how to care for the bites. She said it should be a lot better by Friday. Remember this was Monday. Friday seemed like a life time away. It was not a fun week to have a hurting hand. I was dealing with the heat, being sleepy, not being able to sleep and upset I could not do a lot of regular things. And yes, by Friday the hand was a lot better in all ways. I am looking forward to buttoning my shirts again and picking up a spoon without a major effort.

Cat bites are a bad thing for us humans as cat teeth have “stuff” on them to help the cat with food digestion. The design of the cat tooth also makes the bite look not so bad on the outside but it goes deep inside and traps the infection. I have had cat scratches in the past. There usually is a lot of bleeding to flush out bad things. A big NOTE to anyone who does get a cat bite. Get yourself to medical help as soon as possible because even with the medicine and care I have a ways to go a week after the bite. Looking back at it, I should have gone in right after the bite and got the healing process started.

It really is summer and we are getting some HOT days so talking about some cool drinks would be in order. Some of the 2022 forecasts were for a big addition of “RTD” drinks. That translates to ready to drink, just open the can or bottle. This applies to both alcoholic and nonalcohol drinks. You will not need a completely stocked bar to have a great variety of drinks. Maybe the most amazing that I saw that should be here this summer was the coke with Jack Daniels. Mexico has had it for awhile and it was a big hit there. Spritzer cocktails that are winebased cocktails typically served on ice with a topping of sparkling water, are showing up in many new forms. I also saw more and more veggies and fruits were being put into our summer drinks. Cucumber and basil are still strong contenders, but beets, blueberries, peaches, watermelon and cranberries are making their way in our summer drinks. How about a Spicy Beet Bloody Mary? This one has roasted beets in it. Probably some could say it would be a complete meal? Smoothies and Seltzers will be going strong also as we still have a lot of HOT weather ahead. Stock up, have plenty of ice on hand and stay hydrated. Happy 4th of July!!!