Hastings PD and Dunkin’ to support Special Olympics

Posted 8/16/22

By Bruce Karnick [email protected] The Special Olympics of Minnesota is the largest sports organization in Min nesota for people with intel lectual disabilities. This wonderful organization is …

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Hastings PD and Dunkin’ to support Special Olympics


By Bruce Karnick

[email protected]

The Special Olympics of Minnesota is the largest sports organization in Min

nesota for people with intel lectual disabilities. This wonderful organization is supported by donations from all over the state and leading that charge are various law enforcement agencies. The Hastings Police Department is one of those agencies look ing to bring awareness and funds to an organization that helps thousands each year.

The Hastings Police De partment is hosting ‘Cop on a Rooftop’ at the Dunkin’ loca tion at 1207 Vermillion St. on Friday, August 19 from 6 11 a.m. This event is part of the Special Olympics Minnesota Law Enforcement Torch Run. Hastings is joining 18 addi tional locations across the state to raise money for Spe cial Olympics.

Customers can stop by Dunkin’ to make a pledge to Special Olympics and in re turn they will receive a free donut. If you are not in Hast ings during this time, maybe one of the other 18 locations will work better for you. Swing by Dunkin’s in An dover, Apple Valley, Duluth, Eagan at either Yankee Doo

dle or Cliff Road, Fridley, In ternational Falls, Lakeville, Lino Lakes, Mankato, Maplewood, New Hope, Rochester, Roseville on Rice Street or Fairview Avenue, St. Peter, West St. Paul and Woodbury.

Along with the Cop on a Rooftop, Law Enforcement agencies also participate in the Polar Plunge where thou sands of brave souls jump into the frigid waters of area lakes to raise more money for Special Olympics.

If you would like to donate or learn about other options with the Special Olympics, visit www.specialolympic
