Football season…Already?

Posted 8/24/22

OUTDOOR Adventures By Brian G. Schommer As I was flipping through the channels on the old video box (yes, some call it the idiot box, and considering who is writing this column, some may find it a …

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Football season…Already?


OUTDOOR Adventures

By Brian G. Schommer

As I was flipping through the channels on the old video box (yes, some call it the idiot box, and considering who is writing this column, some may find it a more appropriate use of the term) and sure enough, right there in front of my eyes was a National Football League game being broadcast. I realized right away that it was a preseason game which to most fans means very little and to be fair, the only people these contests mean anything to are the players on the edge of making the squad and those who will get some revenue from the broadcast. As one friend calls the preseason, “it’s just a glorified practice scrimmage with live hitting for a bunch of guys living out the last of their glory days.” So, did I sit down and watch the game or not? If you guessed “yes,” you are wrong. Because for me, it is STILL BASEBALL SEASON.

Don’t get me wrong, I am super stoked about the Minnesota Vikings versus the Green Bay Packers opener on September 11th and have already been ribbing my Packer Backer buddies a little bit, but that is a few weeks away. A lot could happen between now and then… and most likely will. Heck, a certain Quarterback for the “Green and Gold” could even become less selfcentered, although that seems a bit too far removed from possibility. I have used the lyrics from “Turn, Turn, Turn” written by Pete Seeger in the late 1950’s and first recorded in 1959 before, and when it isn’t broken, why fix it? So, I will use them again, and yes… I know “The Byrds” made the song famous.

The song starts out, “To everything (turn, turn, turn), There is a SEASON (turn, turn, turn), And a time to every purpose, under Heaven.” There is a season and right now, it is baseball. Is there crossover from one season to another? Sure, I suppose there is. Does our culture in general seem to jump the gun a bit on these crossovers more and more as the sands of time slide through the hourglass? I would say yes, considering it is not even September yet AND we are the retail places are putting HALLOWEEN stuff out already. Don’t worry folks, the Thanksgiving décor and Christmas trees are not too far away. THIS is my frustration and for those who share it with me, know that you are not alone.

Currently, the Minnesota Amateur State Class B and Class C Baseball tournaments are being held in Faribault, Dundas and Miesville. Some of the best amateur baseball teams from the State lines, top to bottom and side to side, are competing for the coveted State championship. “Townball” in Minnesota is unlike any other state in the entire USA and we, at least those who are fans of the game, are blessed to have the opportunity to participate in this caliber of baseball. If that is not enough, the St. Paul Saints AAA affiliate of the Minnesota Twins are right in our backyard as well and love or hate the change to AAA, the level of baseball that is being played at CHS Field is definitely a few steps above what it was when the Saints played independent ball. For those who enjoyed the shenanigans in between innings, they have not gotten rid of any of it. There is plenty of FUN still at CHS. The Twins are still playing as well, although they have taken us fans on a bit of a rollercoaster ride as of late. Like the song says folks, “…There is a SEASON (turn, turn, turn), And a time to every purpose, under Heaven.” The time now… BASEBALL.

For those who prefer a little padpopping, helmetclanking, touchdown cheering, football action over the crack of the bat, I guess you are in luck. As I drove past the high school football shrine known as Todd Field at McNamara Stadium on the corner of Highways 55 and 61 in Hastings, I noticed our own Hastings Raiders practicing and okay, I will admit it, I did get a bit excited as well. There is something about “Friday Night Lights” (although there is a spattering of Thursday and Saturday games on this year’s schedule) and cheering for the “Blue and Gold.” High School Football might actually trump baseball in my world (might… or at least 1A and 1B). With so many NFL games being played INDOORS at venues with “retractable” roofs, some of the luster seems to be removed for me. Like watching preseason games or going to a Twins game in the old “Metrodump.” Somethings are just better OUTDOORS while some things should NEVER be brought indoors. With that, I hope you find what YOUR season and purpose is this week… now “Get Out and Enjoy the Great Outdoors.”