Do you know who your canidates are?

Posted 10/26/21

Dear Editor, There are so many things going on in our world today: violence, hate, political unrest … a pandemic. It is hard to not get wrapped up in all of it and wonder where we can start making …

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Do you know who your canidates are?


Dear Editor, There are so many things going on in our world today: violence, hate, political unrest … a pandemic. It is hard to not get wrapped up in all of it and wonder where we can start making a difference. One way to get involved and make a difference right here, in the Hastings Community, right now, is to educate yourself on the school board candidates up for election on November 2nd. It is critical that we replace the current members who are up for reelection. Their lack of focus on their core responsibilities is resulting in great detriment to our children.

It is the job of the School Board to ensure every student in their district is meeting all required standards and benchmarks set forth by the state of Minnesota. At the very basic levels of learning: math, reading, and science, the Hastings School Board is failing. The information here is taken directly from the Minnesota Department of Education website and can be verified.

In comparison to the fall 2019 assessment results: ● 24.7% fewer students are proficient and considered to be performing at or above grade level in math.

● 15.2% fewer students are proficient and considered to be performing at or above grade level in reading.

● 17.2% fewer students are proficient and considered to be performing at or above grade level in science.

If you dig deeper you will see that the declines began in 2018, so we cannot accept the excuse that the pandemic is the problem. The problem is our current School Board. It is time for new representation for the children of the Hastings community.

Please vote: Jessica Dressely | Carrie Tate | Mike Ries for ISD 200 School Board. These three candidates are focused on what is best for the students of Hastings. Voting for Jessica, Carrie, and Mike is voting for our children and our community.

Arik & Heather Connell