Dakota County
Notice is hereby given of the Dakota County Board of Commissioners intent to amend the list of transportation projects eligible for funding under the Dakota County Transportation Sales and Use Tax.
Dakota County enacts a quarter-cent sales tax and $20 excise tax on new vehicle sales authorized by Minn. Stat. ยง 297A.993 to fund transportation improvements. The County Board may designate transportation or transit projects or improvements to be funded by the Transportation Sales and Use Tax following a public hearing. The Transportation Sales and Use Tax may be used on more than one project and may be dedicated to a new project by resolution after a public hearing.
The proposed revised list reflects priorities identified in the 2040 Transportation Plan Update as well as updates to project cost estimates and descriptions. A summary of changes and the updated list of transportation projects eligible for Transportation Sales and Use Tax funds are available on the Dakota County website, www.dakotacounty.us, search Transportation Sales and Use Tax.
The Dakota County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing at 9 a.m. on Dec. 3, 2024, in the County Board Room, Dakota County Administration Center, 1590 Highway 55, Hastings, Minnesota. To make comments, please email countyadmin@co.dakota.mn.us.
Written comments will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 29, 2024. Email comments are preferred and can be sent to gina.mitteco@co.dakota.mn.us. You may also mail your comments to the Dakota County Transportation Department, ATTN: Gina Mitteco, 14955 Galaxie Avenue, Apple Valley, Minnesota 55124.
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