Chicken community hosts first ‘chicken training’ for prospective chicken owners

Posted 8/24/21

With the recent ordinance change, the Hastings Backyard Chickens group organized a small gathering for new chicken owners to ask questions of experienced owners and a University of Minnesota (U of M) …

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Chicken community hosts first ‘chicken training’ for prospective chicken owners


With the recent ordinance change, the Hastings Backyard Chickens group organized a small gathering for new chicken owners to ask questions of experienced owners and a University of Minnesota (U of M) outreach expert. The group discussed illness prevention, sanitization/cleaning, feeding, euthanasia, housing and a variety of other topics. The key piece was letting folks know there is a community web of support for them as they learn and grow. Left to Right: Dawn Sahouani, Rita Winkler, Brian Winkler, Kori Colvin, Wayne Martin from the U of M Extension office. Photo by Bruce Karnick