A Little Good News!

Posted 3/9/22

A weekly reflection from a memeber of the Hastings clergy Written by Pastor Paris Pasch of The Journey Church in Hastings Challenge the World I’ve been pondering the rise and fall of Christendom, …

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A Little Good News!


A weekly reflection from a memeber of the Hastings clergy

Written by Pastor Paris Pasch of The Journey Church in Hastings

Challenge the World

I’ve been pondering the rise and fall of Christendom, lately. You know, Christendom. That era of creation’s timeline when most folks professed a belief in Jesus and actually acted on that belief. A time when division and strife in the world was overcome by the grace and peace of those who not just read their Bible, but lived it out loud. Not single lines of a page but the entire inter-woven text, cover-to-cover. Where they believed that man and woman were created in the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:27), Sundays were meant for worship (Exodus 20:8), and the truly happy delight in the words of God (Psalm 1:1-2). A time when we heeded the advice of the prophets to look out for the oppressed, the weary, the orphan, and the outcast among us.

A time when we really lived the way Jesus asked us to: loving our enemies, doing good to those who hate us, blessing those who curse us, giving to everyone who begs, and judging not the sinner but the sin (Luke 6:27-42). A time when, even under intense persecution, the Holy Spirit was visibly active in communities, as all believers were filled with abundant love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Gal 5:22). And their leaders exhibited the gifts of wisdom, knowledge, prophecy, and discernment (1 Cor 12:4-10), Because we know where this life ends and how the next begins (Rev. 7:13-17). Those are the marks of Christendom. I believe they still manifest in our community, as I see them at work in people every day, but I also see their lights flickering and presence waning in the world.

It doesn’t have to be so. It doesn’t have to be this way. Now is the time. We can re-invigorate and re-imagine the Kingdom of heaven here in Hastings, with just a little Good News sprinkled here and there. What if every morning you asked God what your mission is today – and lived it out as only you can. What if you treated every person you met with dignity, in action and speech, especially those who live under your roof? What if you asked your faith community what you can do for them, instead of the other-way-around? What if, during these days leading up to Easter Sunday, we lived our faith out loud? Forgiving as we are forgiven, turning our back on vice to live a life of virtue, and reveling in the grace of the Lord abundantly present in our midst. Wouldn’t that be beautiful, Hastings? So let’s get on this. Right now. Every one of us in this community, united in faith and love, can support one another on a transformational journey to be a better disciple of Christ. We can indeed change the culture and challenge a secular worldview – by first changing ourselves. Yes, we can. And that, my friends, will be Good News worth writing about. #challengetheworld